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Power Factor


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Can someone explain for me why there is a so big difference between Major and Minor for rifle, since the difference is not so big for handgun. In handgun there have already been a decrease of the major value.

Wouldnt it be more correct and equal to also lower the PF for Major even in rifle, to for example 250 instead of 320.

As it is today about 80% or 90% is shooting .223.

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I don't have a dog in this hunt so I will play devil's advocate. What is wrong with it being an anti 7.62 X 39 rule? The AMERICAN military rounds are the .556 NATO and the 7.62 X 51 with an occasional .50 cal. I had a very sarcastic remark that I removed but let me add that a 9mm can play in open major but not limited major so figure it out.

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Well, according to the fundamentals in IPSC, which been the same since it was founded, the Speed, Accuracy and Power shall be 3 equal factors, and in pistol it seems to work, but as I understand it, the power factor in rifle is not equal, bcz some old history about the caliber 7.62x39. Someone that decided about the powerfactor levels for rifle wanted everything below .308 to be disqualified.

My opinion is to let the power be equal in rifle to, not only in pistol.

And about the .223 being an american round would maybe fit in USPSA but not in IPSC, as its an International issue, not domestic american issue.

Thats my opinion....

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I don't think the rifle power factor should be set based on politics. Excluding certain calibres because of their origin is not in keeping with the spirit of the game. ......Just my 2 cents

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