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Dave Arnold has passed...


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Dave Arnold passed away today as a result of injuries suffered in a car wreck.

For those who don't know, Dave started USPSA. It was his brain child. I remember the day back in the early 80’s like it was yesterday. We all were hanging around after a match, having a cold drink and talking about IPSC.

Dave wasn’t happy with some things the World body was doing and he said,

“The United States should start its own Practical Shooting Association!”

We all turned and looked at Dave sitting on the tailgate of my truck. So, I asked,

“O.K. Dave, so what are we going to call it?”

To which he said,

The United States Practical Shooting Association!”

We all cheered and said, “Yeah!”

The rest, as they say, is history. Dave served as President of USPSA for years (I just don't recall how many... :wacko: )

“We shall miss his soul tonight” - From the Movie The 13th Warrior

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My dear friend Captain Dave Arnold, in a damned car wreck! You guys won't remember, but Dave Arnold was one of the "inventors" of practical shooting in the U.S. He was one of the founders of USPSA, helped launch NROI and it's international counterpoint, IROI. We shot more matches than I can remember together, and damn it damn it damn it damn it I will miss him!

Go with God, brother.

Michael Bane

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Wow, this is indeed the passing of one of the founders.

Thanks for posting this. It really lets those of us who missed this part of our sports history to look up his name, and read about him to more fully appreciate his legacy.

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