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Reduced recoil slugs


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I get good results with Fiocchi 7/8 ounce low recoil slugs 1300 fps ,out of a m2 . the recoil feels the same as birdshoot. good luck on your quest

+1 on the Fiocchi, the 1 oz slugs are good too.

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I really like the Fiocchi 1oz, although I imagine the 7/8oz ones are just as good. The 1oz ones are just so stoopid accurate that I haven't even tried the 7/8oz slugs. They work great out of my M2, but don't always function the SLP.

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Rem managed recoil work well out of my M2,accurate enough out to 100yrds.

Full power win 1 oz out of my SLP shoot like a rifle out to 100 yrds. Kick a little though. Anybody remember FB3G a few years ago with the 22 rd slug stage, clearing a house?

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1. Best Slug hands down are the B&P, but you can't get them in the US anymore

2. Close second, Fiocchi 7/8 aero slugs, the 1 OZ ones are not as good for me.

3. Third, the Federal Tru-Ball slugs are accurate, but kick like a mule.

3. Cheap but ok are the Winchester Ranger low recoils, I use them for close stuff

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Where is the best place to purchase the Fiochii 7/8 slugs?

I found comparable prices at two online vendors, cheaperthandirt.com and ammunitiontogo.com. For my location, I found a slight advantage with one over the other with respect to shipping. Thus, total price was a tiny amount lower with one of them. Could be a different result for your location. And there could be others with comparable prices. I bought 160 of them. I hope my Versa Max 26" likes them.

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Anybody remember FB3G a few years ago with the 22 rd slug stage, clearing a house?

I remember the RO yelling at me to quit pointing my gun up range while I was reloading. . . . . :blush:

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