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Worst RO Range Commands in one stage


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This guy is the poster child of INCORRECT Range command and terminology. New ROs, DON'T be this guy:

The video was shot by a buddy of mine in VA.

Edited by ima45dv8
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Yes, the range commands are pretty bad. But....

I think it is poor form to post that video without the RO's permission, especially since his face is visible.

Also, your friend needs to learn to edit his videos before uploading them. :devil:

Everyone's a critic.

To the OP: Those have to be the worst range commands ever. "Shooter when you are ready you may load and make ready" bwahahaha.

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Yes, the range commands are pretty bad. But....

I think it is poor form to post that video without the RO's permission, especially since his face is visible.

Didnt watch vid but I agree. The one with no class is the OP for not trying to handle it under the radar.

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