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I am OPEN C SHOOTER. This is my 4-5 match shooting open... I am working on my weight loss right now ;) so i just need your opinions how i move and shoot... Only 5 open shooter that day and am the only C shooter and i got the 2nd place...



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  • 2 weeks later...

I am OPEN C SHOOTER. This is my 4-5 match shooting open... I am working on my weight loss right now ;) so i just need your opinions how i move and shoot... Only 5 open shooter that day and am the only C shooter and i got the 2nd place...



It helps if you show video of more then one stage being shot. Its hard to see if you have a bad habit from just watching one video.

On your draw (Based on your video) after the beep your weak-hand didn't go to your mid line of your body, but only after once the pistol cleared the holster, both hands need to be moving at the sametime. You also leaned your hips on the other side of your holster as you were drawing, which I suspect that your trying to use your leverage to increase your draw speed, but what ends up happening is unneeded and wasted movement. Another thing I see before your draw, you do not face your body to the first target but instead draw then reconfigure your body to face you first target, I'm guessing this was toes on X start, but at the start you should already have your body facing the first target your shooting.

You need to be more aggressive when moving specially if you're going to take more then 3 or 4 steps to the next target array. When you break your grip on the pistol and moved to your last shooting position you looked like you were on stilts and moving very "carefully" so not to fall off.

Also the flip catch <_<

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Watched both vids. Same conclusion on draw. Get in front of a mirror and draw, a lot. Should have no head, body movement whatsoever.

I'm guessing your times are right there? What about hits?

Your a big guy, I thought you moved well. Maybe de accelerate a step or two sooner. Take the end of a wall with a fault line. We run down the wall, let's say to the right. What foot are you planting when you stop? If its the foot that's outside, in this example your right foot, that presents some problems. Some of these you encountered, slipping off fault line, over running positions. Drop your hips and you'll slow down quick, plant your inside foot then glide to your shooting position with outside foot. Of course your gun is up, on target and not bouncing with this method.

I really like your shooting when you are shooting. Your stance is good and aggressive and shots and transitions look above C class.

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Looks pretty good and if your gun was reliable, you'd be up in at least B class :cheers:

Exactly.... I found out my thumb is rubbing the slide serrations that cause malfunction.... But will do install swenson thumb safety this weekend...

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Watched both vids. Same conclusion on draw. Get in front of a mirror and draw, a lot. Should have no head, body movement whatsoever.

I'm guessing your times are right there? What about hits?

Your a big guy, I thought you moved well. Maybe de accelerate a step or two sooner. Take the end of a wall with a fault line. We run down the wall, let's say to the right. What foot are you planting when you stop? If its the foot that's outside, in this example your right foot, that presents some problems. Some of these you encountered, slipping off fault line, over running positions. Drop your hips and you'll slow down quick, plant your inside foot then glide to your shooting position with outside foot. Of course your gun is up, on target and not bouncing with this method.

I really like your shooting when you are shooting. Your stance is good and aggressive and shots and transitions look above C class.

Chris will do read your opinion over and over again and i will do my best to work on it... Will get back to you... Thanks

My hits score


Edited by mitchiepinoy
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Some really good info would be CHA-LEE. He probably gets tired of me referring him, but he is just so good at video breakdown. Might want to PM him. If he looks, be prepared for honesty!! Good luck.

Edited to say: good points by the way!!

Edited by Chris iliff
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Its just my gun jammed pulled me down but i will def try all that you corrected... I will do 2-3 at a time... First dry fire infront if the mirror... 2nd face and body forward on my primary target and 3rd the way i do my first draw... Thanks!!! Will do post my next video soon!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Looks good man! My internet connection at work sucks, so the video was a little bit choppy, but it seems like your runs are smooth! No wasted movement and shooting on the move :cheers: I believe Area 8 will be at my local club next year, so we will have to get a squad together

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Glenn, yeah lets go!!! it so much better if i get rid of some chunk in my belly hahaha... but even that i want to straight everything like foot works, breakin down the stages... Next year I am planning to shoot VA/MD and WV Championship, AREA 8 and NC championship... My 115 bullets is coming anytime soon... I will post video again sometime nect week ... Thanks for all the info bro... I really appreciate it...

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Hello kabayan,

Think you shoot better than me so take this w/ a grain of salt... I think Im more stable, entry and exit to/from a position, move more effeciently if I bend my knees a bit more. If Im shooting a bit upright then move, I need to lower my body first then move. That takes time. On the reverse, if Im moving then enter a position, then straighten up before I shoot, that also takes time. Im 185 lbs, at 5'7" Im overweight and at my age of 52 it pays to learn every little aspect to be more effecient.

I also always make it a point to hold my gun in front of me and mounted as I enter a position so I am ready to shoot asap.

Some can do these naturally, me I have to practice a lot to acquire them.

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Uyy kabayan..

Yup sometime am out of focus when i hear the beep... Lol... I always drill the shooting with bending knees or level on target... Next match i will set a 2 goal. . First: Shoot as low as my target. Second: gun should be up before the corner or right before i reach my spot to take down targets...

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  • 3 weeks later...

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