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Went and saw Savages tonight. Cool flick. Lots of action and a decent plot.

The first ending made me go..."wtf"...and the second made me go, "hollywood!!".

Selma makes a great drug lord...mmmmmm :devil:

John is showing his age, but still a great character.

I have always said Benicio Del Torres is one of my favorite actor. Great skills as mexican cartel.

All through the movie you knew he would get it in the end... :sight:

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I saw it on Sunday night with some fellow shooters and we were all not impressed. The ending? Don't even get me started. It could have and should have been so much better. I was discussing this with James Tarr on Monday and he reminded me to think about the director. This was an Oliver Stone film, not a Michael Mann film where everything would have been done much better and someone such as Taran Butler would have been behind the scenes helping them. Without giving away the plot/ending, this is one of those films that with a little help in the firearms dept/tactics area could have been so much better. Don't waste $10 to go see it. Wait till it comes out on pay per view and spend $5 watching it at home while your cleaning your firearms. Case in point-the biggest debate as we were walking out of the theatre was who was hotter....Blake Lively or Selma Hayak? Which is a different topic and worthy of debate.

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I saw it on Sunday night with some fellow shooters and we were all not impressed. The ending? Don't even get me started. It could have and should have been so much better. I was discussing this with James Tarr on Monday and he reminded me to think about the director. This was an Oliver Stone film, not a Michael Mann film where everything would have been done much better and someone such as Taran Butler would have been behind the scenes helping them. Without giving away the plot/ending, this is one of those films that with a little help in the firearms dept/tactics area could have been so much better. Don't waste $10 to go see it. Wait till it comes out on pay per view and spend $5 watching it at home while your cleaning your firearms. Case in point-the biggest debate as we were walking out of the theatre was who was hotter....Blake Lively or Selma Hayak? Which is a different topic and worthy of debate.

Yeah, taran and some high level cartel behind the scenes could have made this more realistic... :rolleyes:

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I saw it on Sunday night with some fellow shooters and we were all not impressed. The ending? Don't even get me started. It could have and should have been so much better. I was discussing this with James Tarr on Monday and he reminded me to think about the director. This was an Oliver Stone film, not a Michael Mann film where everything would have been done much better and someone such as Taran Butler would have been behind the scenes helping them. Without giving away the plot/ending, this is one of those films that with a little help in the firearms dept/tactics area could have been so much better. Don't waste $10 to go see it. Wait till it comes out on pay per view and spend $5 watching it at home while your cleaning your firearms. Case in point-the biggest debate as we were walking out of the theatre was who was hotter....Blake Lively or Selma Hayak? Which is a different topic and worthy of debate.

Have no desire to see this for the same two words. Oliver stone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Big Don Winslow fan. I knew they would Hollywood this movie, but I hoped against hope that Stone would do a decent job. Book reads much better. Oh, and the first ending is the real ending. The alternate ending was made for potential sequels... which Winslow hasn't written.


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