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Zombie Shooters

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I took my son to one because he heard about it and wanted to give it a try.

There are far too few gun owning, shooting, hunting youth growing up these days in my opinion.

He turned 14 this spring and has done some local action pistol that are USPSA regs but not counted as official matches.

He wanted to try multi-gun, and the Zombie theme really stood out to him.

The mix of ages, etc. shooting was broad

So I think this theme is a good thing for the future of the shooting sports and 2nd Amendment.

We have only done an intro 2-gun.

It was a fun environment.

Fun is fine for me, I ended up with a right hand with strength, range of motion, and fine motor issues about 3/4 of what it used to be,

and I won't be competitive to anyone. The son will be kicking my butt soon for example.

I do not know what the regular matches are like vs. the intro,

but we will go again.

In the intro, you did not have to draw from a holster, and there were no mag changes.

I like that it is set up so shooters can show up with minimal gear to get started and check it out.

I would guess the regular matches require a holster and a couple of mag changes.

If you know someone new to shooting, or have a friend you could not quite get to a regular match, or whatever,

I just wanted other guys to know about Zombie Shooters Association matches.


Edited by ramairthree
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I agree wholeheartedly that today's youth need something to bring them to the range. I am not aware of a "Zombie Association" around N/W Arizona, but am definitely going to look into it. Good for you trying something different with your kid to get him started.

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