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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

The 4th of July


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A good day to reflect on who we are, what we have, and how we can make it better.

With all our flaws, corruptions, scandals and stumbles, it's still a great country.

Just go into any new car showroom (mall, supermarket) and ask yourself if you'd find THAT kind of largesse in all the other places on earth. Something to meditate on.

I am eternally grateful, and I remember this every time I see our flag (and a new car).

Happy Fourth, everyone!


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I prefer to think of the other largess, the FOOD! I am getting ready to sit down to grilled chicken, cilantro-corn salad, potato salad, watermelon, fresh fruit salad, and plenty of drinks for all. Then it is off to the fireworks!

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