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Why no DOH allowed in SS?!?!?


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You can use a DOH in Single Stack. You just have to be a woman.

Haha lol. Welp maybe I need to bring this up to my area director since there are other changes on the herizon for 2013

dsk: are you going to declare yourself a woman? I was wondering if that's what you meant by "herizon"... :devil:

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Haha lol. Welp maybe I need to bring this up to my area director since there are other changes on the herizon for 2013

What would the rationale be? I can understand the desire to want to use a DOH, but SStk's already a healthy Division and allowing the DOH would cause some competitors to think they needed to spend money. Further, it would be another step away from IDPA's CDP Division, which is a good source to (continue to?) draw some competitors from.

Fact of the matter is that there just isn't a good reason to allow DOH in SS and plenty to continue to disallow it, not the least of which is rules stability.

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Ok so , here's how it came about. Production was created first and the doh was allowed. Then when USPSA bought or acquired or whatever single stack classic they agreed to keep the rules as is . No doh , major 8 minor 10. Just buy a blade tech with the DOH bracket and take it off and save it . Shoot enough SS and you'll be taking it off your other holsters too.

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The Single Stack Classic had a lot to do with it. If you remember they talked about doing away with the DOH in Production a couple of years ago and people were not happy.

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Hmmm well I figure and by all means please don't get your panties in a bunch for the ones I have apparently offended with my question is that even if it were allow as in production division just because they say you can use it don't mean ya gotta! If a rule was instated that DOH was allowed doesn't make people go buy equipment! That's like saying guns kill people!

I only asked a question of why. For those of you whom took the time to answer the question with facts and not smart ass remarks thank you! Now I know why and the reasoning behind the initial desiscion

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Hmmm well I figure and by all means please don't get your panties in a bunch for the ones I have apparently offended with my question is that even if it were allow as in production division just because they say you can use it don't mean ya gotta! If a rule was instated that DOH was allowed doesn't make people go buy equipment! That's like saying guns kill people!

I only asked a question of why. For those of you whom took the time to answer the question with facts and not smart ass remarks thank you! Now I know why and the reasoning behind the initial desiscion

Problem is - you suggested to support changing it - not simply understanding the reasoning behind its existence. That, above anything else, was more than likely the reason some teeth were bore.

Truth be told, I see no reason to change it. It is currently the law of the land. If there was a compelling case to be made, by all means, please do so. Unfortunately, comparison to production and because I want to isn't going to be enough. Single stack works now without it. It has interchangeability with IDPA types (if I shot IDPA, I'd probably start there) and it supports a more traditional carry option as part of the sport. Plus, as is possible, someone will suggest that if you want the drop that bad, just go ahead and shoot limited 10, which is a perfectly acceptable solution.

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Actually, my reading of D5.20 is that it only disallows the drop because of the frontstrap above the belt requirements. I think offset is still allows as long the 2" rule is satisfied. Am I misreading D5.20? Is the "suitable for everyday use" in D5.20 not the same as the Production D4.20?

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DOH in production is silly as well. Production, SS, CDP and SSP should all use the same basic holster. Leave the race holsters for race guns.

Edited by 98sr20ve
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DOH in production is silly as well. Production, SS, CDP and SSP should all use the same basic holster. Leave the race holsters for race guns.

Dropped and offset makes it a race holster? :rolleyes:

Granted I don't use the Dropped and offset at all. I find it makes the holster to "floppy". I get a much better draw with out.

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