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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Tuning up My guns


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I have gone crazy this past month. We did all my money go?

Got parts for a new SV 9mm build.

Put a new recoil pad on my Beretta 682 Sporting Clays gun.

Sent my trigger group and bolt to C-rums for his upgrade.

Got a replacement scope from IOR.

Got my new JP barrel from Brownells.

Talked my best friend into a Browning Citori so we can shoot skeet.

Changed over my TS Open Pistol upper to iron sights.

Fixed my 1050-still loading 38SC but will convert to 40 soon.

Ordered a new fiberglass hand guard for my new AR build.

Need to order the last few parts for my AR build-cam, pins, and firing pin.

Took a friend shooting; pistol, AR and shotgun--he had never been.

Got a CCW holster for my PPK rather than a new EMP 9mm (saved $1200)

Way too much fun-but now broke.

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I am sure I speak for many others out there when I tell you the following:

Man up bubba! Now finish the work, send in some quality pictures so everyone can drool and put some rounds through these blasters so that you can report back to us that you are now REALLY broke after purchasing all the ammo for them.

Then you may have our sympathy. Maybe. But no promises. Especially if you tell the truth by letting us know how much fun you had. Then no sympathy. Only ENVY.......

Besides, you can't take it ($) with you when you die. Spend it while your breathing my friend. And don't forget to put me in the will so that these fine heirlooms can continue to bring joy to others when you are no longer in need of them. Please???


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