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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!


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It has been said before,,,,and I'll say it again. The folks at Dillon are a tremendous asset to the shooting community.

I sent my RL550 in. That press had been disassembled and stored poorly. It literally was a pile of parts with a nice patina of surface rust here and there.

I ordered a couple items to be sent back with the press and let me tell you the value for what I paid is tremendous. They did tons of work and included numerous replacement parts beyond what I expected.


THANK YOU....Now, if my garage wasn't like a FREAKIN' oven, I'd like to get this bad boy put back together again. I need to crank out some ammo.....

Hmm,,,,I guess I need to get an order in for some components. :-)

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Sent my SDB into them because there was a small crack in the frame. I also ordered new dies and tool head for 9mm which I have started loading.

They returned the loader promptly all set up for 9mm and had replaced several parts with brand new ones. The powder measure was even set to throw the exact charge I was going to load for 9mm major. Don't know how they did that. :)

Of course, the only charge was for the new dies and tool head that I ordered.

Dillon is the only reloading equipment I would ever buy for rifle or pistol.


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