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Best Sub $400 Carry Pistol. Your Opinion?

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I'm ending all of my gun buying for awhile since I've bought everything that I started out wanting after Shot Show and NRA this year.

Now, I'm down to a 'tight spot'.

I'm needing a good carry pistol in either 9mm or 45 acp that is $400 or less. A little over is fine, but this is what I've budgeted myself at.

What are your thoughts?

example: Kel-Tec PF9, M&P 9 Shield, Ruger SR9c?

Tell me what you'd buy and why.

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Any small Glock over the guns you listed. Glock 19 for holster/truck console for me. For a true pocket pistol probably an LCP. Those things are tiny.

Sorry I didn't clarify, but if I were to open carry I would just carry one of my Kimber Pros. I'm looking for a concealable pistol. One that I can tuck IWB and carry on my business around my property without drawing too much attention to myself.

Also, where in the world can you get a Glock 26 for $400?

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Sub 400$ for something you stake your life on.... Is that even possible? MP shield looks sweet, I had no idea they were that inexpensive. Looks like a very nice little carry pistol.

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Try before you buy, personally I carry a M&P shield.. that replaced a STI rogue as my daily.

I would have bought a shield but didn't as I have an STI Rogue. It's in my pocket now.

I believe the shield to be a fine pistol, at the price point, and would recommend to the OP.


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Also, where in the world can you get a Glock 26 for $400?

I bought a used, but like new, G26 off of my state's ccw forum.

I also have a S&W 642 (air-weight 38 snubbie), which is well under your budget. And, a Kahr CM9 that I got used, but not yet broken in...well under your budget.

I just got a mailer from CDNN that had trade-in Kahr K9's for $300. Summit Gun Broker has G22's for $350, and G27's for $400.

All conceal. All of those are solid guns with an already proven track record...that you can shoot the crap out of.

Edited by Flexmoney
Edit to fix my typo...I have a CM9, not CW9
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Depends almost entirely on how large you are and when and how and under what conditions you are going to carry. If you have to carry different guns in different holsters depending on circumstances, then if you have to use it you are going to be fumbling trying to remember what you have and where it is. For me, the only thing I can carry day in and day out no matter the weather or what I am wearing is my Ruger LCP.

People complain that a .380 isn't enough. My position is that the .380 I have with me is better than the .45 you had to leave at home.

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That is a shame to hear of the problems with the shield. I was seriously considering getting one but will now wait for a Gen2 or more field testing.

As for getting a new carry pistol... grab a used, but well taken care of pistol. You will get nearly twice the pistol for the same price. While I admit I am trying to trade my CZ P06 for a 9mm carry pistol, I still picked it up used for about $200 under new price and it would fall into your range.


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That is a shame to hear of the problems with the shield. I was seriously considering getting one but will now wait for a Gen2 or more field testing.

As for getting a new carry pistol... grab a used, but well taken care of pistol. You will get nearly twice the pistol for the same price. While I admit I am trying to trade my CZ P06 for a 9mm carry pistol, I still picked it up used for about $200 under new price and it would fall into your range.


I agree. I wouldn't buy a Shield sight unseen, and would definitely inspect the chamber area prior to purchase at the gun shop. However, I hear that the incidents of the unsupported chamber are few and far between. That's the reason I am considering one. Even though I know someone who has been injured by a faulty firearm .... I know what to look for in a new one to tell if it is faulty.

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Bummer for your buddy, hope he's alright. Sucks that such a novel pistol platform has to be dragged down by lousy QC. That's not exactly a superficial flaw either. Wrong size chamber?? Holy crap. I wonder what else sneaks past the one guy doing QC while he's sleeping....

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Bummer for your buddy, hope he's alright. Sucks that such a novel pistol platform has to be dragged down by lousy QC. That's not exactly a superficial flaw either. Wrong size chamber?? Holy crap. I wonder what else sneaks past the one guy doing QC while he's sleeping....

Thanks, and he was a good sport about it. All he insisted was that he get a new pistol from S&W, but they did him better than that. I'll leave it at that! ;)

He could have sued them and won, but realized the harm he would do to the company and fellow shooters so he left it at S&W making it right with him. I was really proud to call him my friend when I found out the way he handled the situation. It says a lot about someone when they have something like this happen to them, and they don't automatically think 'Meal Ticket'. Know what I mean?

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I own both the Glock 26 and Ruger Lcp. Both are easy to conceal and have been reliable but the Lcp finds its way into my pocket more often than not. Its just so light and easy to conceal. They can be had for under $300, another $25 for a Desantis Nemesis and your good to go.

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I own both the Glock 26 and Ruger Lcp. Both are easy to conceal and have been reliable but the Lcp finds its way into my pocket more often than not. Its just so light and easy to conceal. They can be had for under $300, another $25 for a Desantis Nemesis and your good to go.

Well, I've made up my mind ... sorta! :D

I've decided to steer clear of the Shields right now, and up my price so that I can open up my options.

Can't make up my mind between the M&P 9C, M&P45C, Glock 26, or XDs 45.

Sorry I confused the subject, but I made this decision overnight, and am in a new 'price bracket'.

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I own both the Glock 26 and Ruger Lcp. Both are easy to conceal and have been reliable but the Lcp finds its way into my pocket more often than not. Its just so light and easy to conceal. They can be had for under $300, another $25 for a Desantis Nemesis and your good to go.

Well, I've made up my mind ... sorta! :D

I've decided to steer clear of the Shields right now, and up my price so that I can open up my options.

Can't make up my mind between the M&P 9C, M&P45C, Glock 26, or XDs 45.

Sorry I confused the subject, but I made this decision overnight, and am in a new 'price bracket'.

Just a note: A very good friend of mine is an ER doctor in a "high crime area", he tells me that a high percentage of guys that get hit with 9mm or less walk out after treatment. Guys that get hit with .40's often spend the night at the hospital. Guys that get hit with .45's tend to suffer much worse injuries and the percentage of survivors is much much lower. :surprise:

Read what you want from that when it comes to a carry gun :devil:

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Any small Glock over the guns you listed. Glock 19 for holster/truck console for me. For a true pocket pistol probably an LCP. Those things are tiny.

Sorry I didn't clarify, but if I were to open carry I would just carry one of my Kimber Pros. I'm looking for a concealable pistol. One that I can tuck IWB and carry on my business around my property without drawing too much attention to myself.

Also, where in the world can you get a Glock 26 for $400?

I bought a police trade in 19 for $350. Find a place that deals with police only but sells their trade ins to the public.

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