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S&W 686 Can't Reassemble... Help!


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I was taking apart a newly acquired 686 and I think I just FUBARed it!

I stupidly took off the hand from the trigger assembly and the tiny spring has moved to where I can't grab it with tweezers. Then I tried to just completely disassemble the gun so I could get the trigger out but it's stuck. Upon closer inspection it looks like the trigger pin (the one attached to the frame) has been bent to the point where I can't slide the trigger out. So now I'm stuck, I can't put the thing back together, and I can't take it apart to put it back together. How would I bend this pin back to center so I can reassemble? Or is there a trick to getting the hand spring back to where it should be so I don't have to? I'm afraid of snapping the pin off.


This is as far as the trigger will slide out on the pin.


I know it's hard to see, but the trigger pin is slightly bent towards the trigger guard.

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This is gonna be tough with out pics but here goes. I filed down a small, cheap, flat blade screwdriver to fit deeply into the slot of the trigger. Clamp the trigger lightly into a vise, slot up. If you have it wrong it'll be obvious. Start the hand into the hole(s) Use the screwdriver to push the spring back, push the hand into the seated position. If you've done it right, you should have spring tension on the hand. If not PM me and I'll try to do some pics. :blink:

Edited by buckaroo45
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The problem I'm having right now is the bent pin preventing me from taking the trigger assembly out. I'm afraid to muck with it and try to bend it or file it because I'm not sure how sturdy the pin is mounted to the frame.

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Thanks for the support. I wound up fixing it without having to force it.

After careful inspection of the pin I noticed that it was burred up, like someone had hit it with a hammer. 5 seconds of sanding down the burr with an india stone and the trigger slid right off! I was able to put the hand back on, reassemble the gun, and lighten the trigger pull by putting in the spring pack that was the start of all of this.

After that adventure I think I'll leave the trigger job to the pros...

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