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Paint on the gun

Craig N

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Since I got my yellow jeep last summer I have had the urge to paint most of my toys in the same color scheme. I saw a lady with a yellow and black 2011 on the 2011 Nationals video.


I'm thinking about getting my Glock 35 finished like this. I play in SSP/Production so I'm thinking yellow on the slide and about 1/4 or 1/3 of the lower grip. If I go this route what do you think would last longer Duracoat, hydro dipping or cretote (spelling). CCR is local to me and there is a guy who does dipping so I'd have a chance to talk to with whoever does it in person.

Thoughts, comments, hate mail?

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I'd do the slide, mag release, and base pads if I were trying to color a Glock. I don't know if that's all allowed but it's just what I envision looking good. Maybe even pick up Dawson's aluminum pads instead of the plastic ones and stick with a simple duracoat or whatever is cheapest. It's going to take a beating and need to be redone eventually no matter what.

Or just ask the guy at CCR, if anyone would know it should be him.


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