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Double Alpha Pouches Loosening


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I have the Double Alpha Mag pouches and they keep loosening up. These are the older plastic style ones. They stay clamped to the belt perfectly but they swivel no matter how much I tighten them. I even took a longer than normal Allen wrench to it for more leverage and tightened them down with pliers on the Allen wrench. 2 of the 4 are missing the little rubber piece inside the ball joint but that doesn't seem to help or hurt the situation. They all come loose again pretty quickly.

I just purchased a Cr Speed Versa pouch to mess around with and although I don't like how it attaches to the belt that thing stays at whatever angle I set it at and it doesn't loosen up. The metal star washer keeps it in place. I really like the Double Alpha pouches but will dump them for the Cr Speed if I can't get them to stay tight.

Edited by Babaganoosh
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