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CB45 Range Diary


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Went to the range last night to work on shooting partials with a Glock. Oh man, I learned that you can't cheat that trigger. You have to pull the trigger smoothly until the sights lift. If something looks wrong when the sights lifted, it probably is wrong. Production is challenging; iron sights, 10rds, and crappy triggers. What's not to love???

The cut on my weak hand didn't help things. It has been difficult to get a good grip, but I'm going to struggle through it tomorrow when I shoot the IN SS/Prd/Rev match. There is a chance I may borrow a Stock II to shoot the match. That could be interesting!

Tonight I'm going to back to the range to work with Chris S. He wants to get tuned up with his SS rig, so that will be fun. Also he's bringing a CZ 75 for me to test out... :)

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Went to the range last night to work on shooting partials with a Glock. Oh man, I learned that you can't cheat that trigger. You have to pull the trigger smoothly until the sights lift. If something looks wrong when the sights lifted, it probably is wrong. Production is challenging; iron sights, 10rds, and crappy triggers. What's not to love???

The cut on my weak hand didn't help things. It has been difficult to get a good grip, but I'm going to struggle through it tomorrow when I shoot the IN SS/Prd/Rev match. There is a chance I may borrow a Stock II to shoot the match. That could be interesting!

Tonight I'm going to back to the range to work with Chris S. He wants to get tuned up with his SS rig, so that will be fun. Also he's bringing a CZ 75 for me to test out... :)

I can work some magic on that 75 ;)

They can be a bit rough out of the box.

I figured out a few more trick on the P09 if you're thinking about a cheap production gun with a nice trigger.

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Good luck this weekend!!! We won't discuss the weather.

It was good to see you out on the Range! Let me know if you want help getting that Dillon 550 up and running.

I think the Indiana SS/Prd/Rev match went well. I ended up borrowing a Stock II from Craig T. (Thanks Craig!). Considering I never shot the gun and this was my first Level II Production match, I had a decent match. I may take the "High U" award, haha... It was a lot of fun breaking down stages and reloading every ten rounds. If I can come across a decent Production gun, I'd give it a go for a while.

I don't think I will be able to find the gun I want anytime in the foreseeable future, so I'll continue my Open venture for a while.

I spoke to the folks from SNS casting today about their new 125 RN coated cast bullets. They said they are getting good results with compensated guns. I think I'm going to get some and see how they work/feel.

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With the IN SS/PRD/REV over, I am back to work with my Open rig.

Practice felt good last night!! I learned a different wide body transition technique that shaved a second off of the drill we were working on, and it didn't cost me to slow down the shooting part,. I was actually faster and more accurate. I haven't seen gains like that for a long time. I am going to work more with the new techique, but I think it will be a winner.

Which now leads me to rethink some of my other shooting techniques. I think form and technique are important to most athletic endevors, so its kind of fun to learn something new and get better.

The Trubor ran like a top last night at practice. Tuning the mags seems to have helped, that is good news!

I sold that Glock and found a good deal on a CZ. I am pretty happy about it. Maybe after Area 5 in June I will play around in Production for a few months and shoot the Indiana and Illinois Section matches this fall in Production... maybe...

Edited by CB45
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Exactly what is the wide transition technique?

The one I use pulls the gun in then pushes it back out. Shortest distance between two objects is a straight line and all, so it beats the arc.

Do tell,.......

This is it!!! Only took me 2 years to figure it out. Truth is, I didn't figure it out. Kurt did! Kurt noticed I looked goofy running the drill. He told me to try pulling the gun into my chest, yelling "Chest One!!!". Good stuff!

Anyway, I am back to Open for a while. The Trubor is up and running finally (knocks on wood...). Re-tuning my mags has turned out to be a great success! Very Nice!

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Practice last night was good. We designed a couple new shooting on the move drills. Target difficulty really dictates the feasibility of shooting on the move. It can really pay off if you nail it, but it also burn real bad. More practice!

I've determined that I operate to slow. Watching video of my recent matches shows that I'm just not doing everything fast enough. It looks smooth, the shooting is probably good. I just don't feel like I'm aggressive enough moving through a stage. I'm not real sure how to practice this, other than just go real fast in practice.

We ended the practice with some Dot Drills. That is tough. 6 shots in a 2" circle at 7yds in 5 seconds. I want to be able to run it at 10yds consistantly.

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Area 6...

Not a consistent performance, but there were more positives than negatives. Finished 14th in Open, 4th M.



1. Called 2 A's with the 2 shots I fired on the 32yd swinger, got them both.

2. Stepped up my movement tempo / More aggressive movement.

3. Executed stage plans as planned.

4. Shooting on the move worked out every time.

5. Trubor worked like a boss!


1. One jacked up draw caused a 10s malfunction. Complicated to describe, but it was a meltdown.

2. Performance on steel was not spectacular.

3. I was disappointed with my points. Lots of close D's that I thought were C's and C's I thought were A's.

Congrats to my friends Chris for 3rd Limited overall and Kurt for 1st Open C.

That's about it, back to practice.

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That is a cool camera angle! That classifier is fun isn't it. We shot it last month at our match.

Ya, I really like that classifier. I have never broke GM % on it, but its fun to try... darn makeup shot cost me a GM run...

Truk is getting good at that video.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been working on shooting on the move and rolling through shooting positions with wide transitions. Its hard to judge gains with these types of drills. I am feeling more confident with shooting on the move, but I am not sure how fast I need to be going to make it advantageous during a match.

I know that most of the drills I do, I can get higher HF's if I stand and shoot in two or three positions. I'm beginning to think shooting while entering and exiting positions is more common than strictly shooting an array of targets on the move.

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Well I didn't shoot a very good match today. Guess I should be happy, since I am just recovering from a pretty bad sinus infection & sore throat. Got to love allergies!

I was trying to be more aggressive with movement. It worked, but its causing me to over run positions and not be ready to shoot when I need to be. That is OK, I'll get that worked out.

Two no-shoots on double stacked target arrays. Grrrr. Both of them were on the follow up shot. The dot just dipped as I was trying to go for the A. I should have been aiming higher at the A/C line... Got to try...

Anyway here is the video. Thanks Truk for the video.

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No video from the match today, but results are here:


2nd in Open, 1st M.

Not my best match performance, but a solid day. I'm happy that I'm carrying skills I've been working on in practice into match performances. That's rewarding.

Lately, I've been doubting if I'm getting any better. I've been working hard, but finding it hard to gauge gains in practice. After talking to Chris I. this evening, I'm convinced I'm on the right track. I am just going to continue doing what I'm doing. I'm reaching the point where gains are going to be noticed in small intervals. That is not bad, but its important to know to what to expect. Expectations can lead to disappointment if left unchecked.

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About a month ago I started to work on "hosing" drills. It was rough in the beginning. Pulling off targets before the shot would break, snapping my eyes to the wrong part of the targets, etc... so I've been working on a couple drills to help me work on the "hosing" stuff.

Last night I was working on 3yd "Blake" drills. (3 targets about 6" away from each other, 3yds away. Draw, shoot 2 A's on each target.)

1st run was 1.6ish with a Mike.

2nd run was 1.54s w/6 A's. Boom. That sounds cool, until I looked at the timer. 0.7s draw, 0.16s splits, and 0.18s transitions. I think I'll continue to work on these types of drills.

Also I started working on SHO/WHO and gun manipulation skills again in live fire. I did pretty well considering I haven't worked on those skills in nearly a year.

Something else I've learned about my shooting. Reloads take longer when the targets get further away. Last night 15yd reloads were taking 1.5sec. My 7yd reloads have been running 1.1sec. So that's a little interesting.

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