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When thumbs aren't fingers...


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Yesterday a shooter complained about a hard-ass RO not letting him start according to the course description on one of the stages I built and designed (Sparkle Motion). Now I bent over backwards to make the start positions RO-proof (due to multiple ROs) and shooter-proof, not subject to interpretation. This start position was, "All fingers touching far left corner of left vision barrier."

The shooter held up both hands and asked, "How many fingers do I have?"

I said, "Ten."

He said, "No, I have ten phelanges on my hands, consisting of eight fingers and two thumbs."

I just wanted to go bang my head against a wall.

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Next time write "all thumbs touching X on wall". They don't have to know right from left. No need to care what they do with fingers, and you won't have a problem if anyone has an unusual number of thumbs.

Less typing when you write up the stage description too.

Unless they have toes for thumbs. :huh: Nothing is perfect.

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“Phelanges”? I am sorry but neither Mayo Clinic online, or Merriam Webster online have ever heard of the word. Closest MW comes is “Phalanges”

Etymology: Latin phalang-, phalanx, from Greek, battle line, digital bone, literally, log

That’s really pushing it. Should have asked if the shooter knew the definition of “dope-slapped“ (thank you car talk).

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This is just a small portion of why my shooting sucked. I was trying to finish my last four stages with my squad, and in the middle of putting out fires (2 of the 16 Sunday morning ROs failed to appear and I had to juggle ROs on stages) I get this.

Next time, it's, "Talk to the hand, or the Range Master."

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Be nice, lawyers are people too. Not all of us are %@.

Erik, I think your wording of the start position was a-ok. According to the Websters.com dictionary:



1) One of the five digits of the hand, especially one other than the thumb.


6) An obscene gesture of defiance or derision made by pointing or jabbing the middle finger upward. Often used with the.

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Well, we could get into the issue of binary or hexidecimal, but someone would likely lose his/her mind....... :wacko:

Nolan's concept is, well, interesting.... :)

"Some people are just born lawyers. "
And some people are simply trouble-making idiots...!
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Davidwiz, I was overbroad to be sure and somewhat guilty of group "shadow projection." In my rationalization, though, lawyering *is* mostly about word torture since few do legal theory per se. Also, I'm one of the many who've been completely exasperated by lawyer stonewalling in a clearly untennable situation. I'll spare the story but it involved my 70 year old mother being run over and a major insurance company that had no intention of honoring underwritten policies until forced in a court of law. :angry:

SiG Lady, as an embedded realtime software engineer, working in multiple radixes would help me gain my mind, not lose it. :blink:

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I know what you meant. I was just having a little fun. ;) I too have seen people go waaay beyond stage interperting and starting to push into cheating. Finding other solutions to the problem given is part of this game. If you want to trade stories about bad experiences with attorneys, I have a few too. Fortuantely, most of them are decent and honest. With any profession, you get a few bad ones. I'm in NJ btw.


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  • 2 months later...

For George, from Medline (bold added by me):

Main Entry: pha·lanx

Pronunciation: f-la(k)s, Brit usu fal-a(k)s

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural pha·lan·ges /f-lan-()jz, f-, f-, Brit usu fal-an-/

: any of the digital bones of the hand or foot distal to the metacarpus or metatarsus of a vertebrate that in humans are three to each finger and toe with the exception of the thumb and big toe which have only two each


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