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What was the Funniest or weirdest

Mark Perez

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Case 1.

Classifier string 1.

After the LAMR command, the SO is standing a little to close behind yours truly.

At the buzzer , I draw and knock the timer out of the SO's hand straight-up into the air perform the required task and the SO catches the timer and reads the time to the Score Keep. Golf claps from the Peanut gallery.

Case 2.

Funny (to everyone else).

Again with yours truly , after the LAMR , at the buzzer ,draw and shoot 1 round ,then click.

me; "WTF?!"

Perform a TapRack and notice there is no mag in the gun! The peanut gallery is rolling in the background in hysterics.

Turns out I didn't seat the mag and it flew out of the gun between leaving the holster and the first round.

Was able to finish the stage using the spare mag on the belt - but I didn't hear the end of that one for a long time.



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We had a stage where you had to draw shoot a couple targets lay down your gun grab a dummy drag him to cover use another placed gun to finish the stage. The dummy was weighted to about 75-80 lbs. in retrospect maybe we should have been warning people. :rolleyes: A few people almost fell over one guy landed right on top of the dummy. He now gets made fun of for molesting the dummy every time we get dummy out. :P

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Your profile says you're from Indiana. With KY righ next door, I know you've some nasty cold winters there (and prbably more wind since the land is a little flatter). Sometimes those gloves are a godsend, though my choice are the $19.95 Mechanics gloves.

I had a guy laugh at me on the first stage at a match for my gloves. He spued less than flattering descriptions of female genitalia to let me know what he thought of me and my gloves. He was the SO and we were squaded all the way through, so I got to listen to it for a couple of stages. Well, it was about 20 degrees and on the 3rd stage draw he flung his loaded iron about 3 yards and earned himself a DQ. He claimed it was because it was so cold, and since he was an SO he couldn't stand around with his hands in his pockets. Uh huh. I just said I hadn't noticed and proceeded to shoot. B)

Now if it is good weather and the gloves go on, well, OK.

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Funny.....Shooting a Vice Prez i draw my newly worked on P14-45 with super big mag button, as i draw the gun i see the magazine that was SECURED in the gun flying in an arch down range. being at a loss for what to do with ONLY one mag with 6 rounds in my b elt i dashed forward retrieved and loaded mag while retreating to box then shot the COF.

shooting a club IDPA match i performed an imprompteau way of the WORST way to shoot tactical sequence T1 and T2 were to my far right (out side teh passenger side of makeshift truck) T 3 in front. PROPER way to shoot it. one round T1 three rounds T2 Two Rounds T1 three rounds T3 i fire 1 round on T 1 clear a jam. shoot 2 rounds on T 2 one round on T1 one round on T2 one 2 rounds on T3 one round on T 1 and one round on T3 ..... i unload and the SO is laughin so hard i can barely make out a "holster" command. my 5 squad mates were laughing like stooge convention attendees.... ... at which point i cracked up.

wierd.... while shooting the OH 2004 buckeye blast i joked about richoceting rounds off the hood of the international into the target..... i accidentally dropped one into the hood, resulting in a "hard A"

while watching ken hackathorn shoot a stage of my designe he bounced a 9mm round from a vertec off of a barrel and throughte -0 marking on the head of a target.

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Another one.

Once upon a time - I was having a string of bad luck with a glock 17 and light primer hits.As a result I got very good at the Tap/Rack/bang drill - to the point where I could do them in my sleep.

So , I decide to use the wheel gun for a change - and wouldn't you know - a light srike -FTF and naturally you can guess what the response was.

You don't know embarrasment until you try to TapRack a wheel gun :o

Again the usual suspects in the peanut gallery squad are laughing so hard they never could regain their composure the rest of the match.

That was a long ride home..

I'm going to start bringing a video camera along to the matches and start sending them into America's funiest Video's .


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I think it was TL that recommended I post this here:

I think this falls under weird and funny: I was at a major match once where the SO reading the 'story' choked up and almost broke into tears he was so emotional about the self-defense aspect of his stage.

Funny: Way back when, I put an extended mag catch on my G17 and went and shot our local IDPA match. I was bragging about how much faster my mag changes were. First stage was a truck stage. First shot of the truck stage, the mag exits the gun and enters oblivion. I go for the mag in the floor and can't find it. It's not anywhere in the truck. So I reload and keep going, and the peanut gallery is all laughing pretty good. After I unload I start looking around and everyone is pointing under the truck. Seems the mag dropped straight through a rusted out hole in the floorboard and hit the dirt. That hole was only 2" around, so I could never do that again if I tried.

I've actually got a whole lotta stories, I just need to remember them before I put them here, and in time I will.

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I tried a slide lock reload with my pager once. I even thought that one was funny. everyone else thought it was hilarious. :P

But have you ever tried to slide lock reload a Surefire 6P at a night shoot ?

I have , fortunately it was pretty dark and there were no witnesses .

Note to self - DO NOT put surefire in same vicinity as spare mag.


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At the Miss. 3 gun match a well known master class shooter who shall remain nameless, had a time while shooting a rifle stage, as I recall. He comes to his reload and reaches for the mag and draws his pistol mag and procedes to stuff it in his AR. The look on his face was priceless, stuned for a moment then just drops the pistol mag. and finishes with the correct one inserted. He really didn't get near the ribbing I thought he would.

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Had this guy come to shoot the classifier. New guy, didn't know him well. Mentioned to me he was some kind of well trained shooter with all sorts of experience doing neato tactical things that most likely involved a lot of black nylon and velcro, not to mention a real cool boonie hat. So myself and some others were pretty impressed, and a sat down to watch him shoot. (well I so'ed, the rest sat down)

So just before shooting string three stage 2 (where you turn and shoot 2-2-2, reload 2-2-2) he loudly announces to the peanut gallery that (and I'm paraphrasing some here) "I cannot shoot the stage this way, I was trained to shoot while moving and I cannot stand still as not moving is death. So I am going to shoot it this way. So he draws and is juking and jiving, floating like a butterfly and such, & moving left then right, then left again. Looking a bit like a boxer in training, happily blasting away at the targets. The net result was two targets lying on the ground with shot down sticks and no holes to paste. After setting up the targets again he finally finished stage 2 at somewhere around down 60 for all three targets.

Stage 3 was even worse.


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Its gonna be hard to top "The Day The Pants Failed" I just went and reread it and thats some funny s#@*. :lol:


For those of us that were there, it was a frightening experience. :unsure:

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not IDPA, but funny none the less.

Last week I was shooting a 36 rd field course, requiring one reload. Some preemptive info - until very recently I only had two working(well) mags to use so I had to be careful. So I start off blazing away, then drop a mag. Now being used to only having one spare I stopped, backed up carefully held onto the mag and shot some more strong handed until I had to reload. So I reload then start shooting while running. I somehow managed to get under a piece of brass far enough to go down the back of my shirt and stick at the edge of my pants against the skin. So I hurry up finish off do the whole ulasc deal holster the gun and proceed to dance around like no one has ever seen at a match before. I get the brass out and the RO is like I saw it coming and wondered where it went. Take into account I shoot super major 124's with 540 powder I had a welt for a week. Moral of the story, don't tuck the back of your shirt in.

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Excessive Wiggling While Shooting...

Well, not very funny overall--and certainly not from MY standpoint--but I've had brass twice go down my neck even with a tight turtleneck on and lodge right about where my bra starts. Cripes, and I finished the COFs (bravely) nonetheless and then was asked why I was wiggling and jumping around, like was that some new good-luck dance or something?... no, it was a effort not to blister my, uh, well, you know...... :rolleyes:

(I blistered anyway. The price I pay for sucking it up and finishing the stage.) ;)

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Excessive Wiggling While Shooting...

Well, not very funny overall--and certainly not from MY standpoint--but I've had brass twice go down my neck even with a tight turtleneck on and lodge right about where my bra starts. Cripes, and I finished the COFs (bravely) nonetheless and then was asked why I was wiggling and jumping around, like was that some new good-luck dance or something?... no, it was a effort not to blister my, uh, well, you know...... :rolleyes:

(I blistered anyway. The price I pay for sucking it up and finishing the stage.) ;)

I have a scar on my neck/shoulder that looks like an animal took a chunk out of me. It's from a piece of .223 brass from an AR (from a cop named Brad!) that got under the towel I had around me neck to keep brass off of my neck and out of my shirt. I don't know how it happened, but we were moving forward and firing (twelve of us in a line), so I could not stop of any reason.

So there was no dancing or wiggling, just pain and sizzling!

I have pictures!

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I've had blisters and peeling from cases sticking to my face (however briefly) just long enough to do in a layer of skin right under my eyes (because they fell in UNDER my glasses, mind ya'). Little .22LR shells seem to be hotter than .45, I swear. Interestingly, you CAN hear them sizzle when they hit and stick. I went and bought a slightly different pair of protective goggles and it hasn't happened since. Not with eyes, anyway. :P I did have a hot .22LR down the front of the tank top last Sunday, though. Dropped on the floor, thank god. :rolleyes:

Let the Forensics folks tinker with THIS pop quiz evidence: My .45ACP casings often hit my (white leather) shoes on their way to the range floor and leave little black half-circles on the shoes. If you ever seen those marks on someone's running shoes, go ahead and strike up a gun conversation with 'em... 'cause they've DEFINITELY been shooting! B)

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