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How did you meet your significant other?

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My wife and I have been married just over 20 years. I met her when I was bouncing at a bar/pool hall in Waco TX. I asked to see her ID at the door and she was pissed! I nearly kicked her out of the bar later that night when she nearly got into a fight with another girl. Yeah, she's spirited. Started going out a couple months later. Best thing that ever happened to me.

Let's hear your story.

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Was bar-tending at a neighbors house. My neighbor was throwing a wedding party at her house (for my now sister in law) that she asked me, at the time 21 y/o, to bartend. Got everyone wasted and met the woman of my dreams. Now a child later and years down the road we are still very close.

Edit: I lied about my age that night and told her I was 23 because she was 24 lol

Edited by hax
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I met Tracy at the Bianchi Cup when her gun broke and I fixed it for her. She is an awesome person! She has 4 college degrees (Psyc,French,BS & Masters in Mechanical Engineering), speaks 3 languages (English, French, Spanish). She just got a new job as Senior Design engineer at a medical company and gave herself a fat raise in the process. She is a hard worker and helps me with everything. She makes my CAD drawings for the machine shop, runs the CNC mills sometimes, we cut firewood with his n hers chainsaws, load ammo together, shoot matches together, etc.

I'm very proud of her. We've been together about 5 years. :wub::D

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Met my wife of almost 20 years due to a bar bet. Guy I worked with had arranged to meet up with a bunch from work to intro me to some other girl. Same guy commented a girl at a table across the room didnt look 21. I took that bet. I knew within 60 seconds I was going to marry her. She still finds it hard to believe I KNEW I was going to marry her when she wasnt even sure if she liked me. Fate is a fickle thing. She never had a chance. BTW the girl I was supposed to hook up with ended up as a decent co worker but not my type. That night I never even got to the point of meeting her. Spent the rest of the evening with the future wife. Id hate to think where Id be without her but if I tell her to often she thinks she has me wrapped up. I deny it.

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I was playing guitar in a bluegrass band on a Saturday night and our mandolin player's girlfriend had asked a woman she knew to meet her there so she could introduce me. It turns out she was seeing the fiddle player in another band that happened to be playing down the street. Mandolin player's girlfriend thought I would be better for this woman. She walked in, we were introduced and I bought her a beer during our break, we spoke for a few minutes and I had a feeling things might work out. I kissed her on the cheek before I went back to play the next set. That was almost 33 years ago. The rest, as they say, is history! :cheers:

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I met my wife while I was in high school. Lori was a friend of a girl I worked with at the local grocery store.

We dated on and off for a few years. When she graduated, an RN couldn't find a job in Ontario, so she wound up in Texas, Florida, South Carolina, then Texas again.

Fate shone, the job market for nurses opened up in Ontario just as other circumstances suggested a move home was wise.

That was 13 years ago this month.

Three kids and two houses later...:surprise:

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Met my wife when was 8 years old, on the school bus. She went to a different school than I did (I'm 6 years older than my wife). The school busses met up, kids got off of one, onto the one going to their school, etc. They stopped that, didn't see her for 7 years, started going out with her when another friend introduced us again, when she was 17 (her Dad liked me). We broke up, she married another guy, moved to Virginia, then California (he was in the Navy). She got divorced, moved back home, we went out for a year or so, then got married. That was 18 years ago that we got married. She still suprises me. I got her to shoot a pistol one time, since we've been married, 10 years ago. Yesterday, she asks me to let her shoot the Python at some bowling pins I had set up in the back yard. To my suprise, it took her 4 shots to hit it at 15 yards, but then she drove it across the yard with every successive shot.....

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I met my wife 35 yrs ago when I was walking to work with my room mate! It had snowed for two days and the snow had started to melt. When we were a few blocks from work a car sped by and splashed us; I threw the one finger salute as well a few cuss words. Then the car stopped and started to backup I told my room mate to get ready for a fight, but instead there were two young ladies telling us they were sorry & offered us a ride. Found out we worked at the same hospital. They offered to take us to breakfast that morning when we got off from work. The rest is history! :cheers:


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I met mine at a Barnes and Nobel. I was hanging out in their cafe reading a book and enjoying a cup of coffee. She was studying in the corner and we made eye contact a couple times. I told myself that I'd go introduce myself when she started packing up to leave so I wouldn't interrupt her. Well I got into my book and didn't notice her packing up until she was standing at my table asking if I would mind if she sat down to chat. Any girl with the guts to step up like that really gets my attention!

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At the Ontario Provincial IPSC match in Canada years ago. I say years because I cannot remember what year it was... :ph34r:

Ooooooh crap, you're in for it now, doesn't help that she's a member of this forum too...lol

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At the Ontario Provincial IPSC match in Canada years ago. I say years because I cannot remember what year it was... :ph34r:

Ooooooh crap, you're in for it now, doesn't help that she's a member of this forum too...lol

Yea.... She knows I can't remember that kind of stuff so what's one more example going to do to me? :unsure:

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At the Ontario Provincial IPSC match in Canada years ago. I say years because I cannot remember what year it was... :ph34r:

Ooooooh crap, you're in for it now, doesn't help that she's a member of this forum too...lol

Yea.... She knows I can't remember that kind of stuff so what's one more example going to do to me? :unsure:

Excellent. The first "how I lost my significant other" post on a "how I met my significant other" thread. :roflol:

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She walked up and briskly stuck out her hand and introduced her self to me. It was at the home office of a large construction firm. I had been hired a month before as superintendent for a project in the North Star Mall expansion and rarely went in to the main office. That was 1985 she is more beautiful to me now than she was when I first fell in love six months later

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I met my fiancé through a mutual friend. We were hanging out one evening and he ditched his scheduled date to go see "The Exorcism of Emily Rose" with me. Then we get back to his car and it won't start, when we popped the hood I noticed the battery was leaking. Took him to get a new battery and changed it for him... Girl changing a car battery wearing a short skirt?? I had him hooked :-)

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Met her on an internet chat room. We talked every night for a few weeks and then decided to meet at a match, the State Championship in 2001. I told her we would go to dinner after the match. She showed up dress to the 9s.

Took her to my favorite restaurant. Had great food, good wine and lots or interesting conversations.

It's been 13 years together so far and no disappointments. I think I'll keep her.

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