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Grams Basepads


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It matters.

Since there is a 170 mm limit in open, the smaller mags can have the longer pad. longer pad = more rounds. If you use the shorter pad, you will not be able to get as many rounds in.

Like 300#G said - GO BIG

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On a 140mm mag, wouldn't matter. You're only limted to 170 mm on the "big sticks".

My experience however, is for the 140- mags, I keep the basepads stock as I've got little hands and its difficult for me to get a stable grip on a long mag.

So on those long courses, I use the 170 as the first mag and reload to a 140mm. I've only replaced the followers to get the extra round. Quite happy with 20rds in the 140's and 27 in the 170 mm.

Safe shooting...

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Don't go too big be very carefull. Some of the mag tubes out there have a pressing down the side with effectively a ridge at the bottom of the tube, when you add too much base pad the round on top of the follower can slip under the ridge and cause monsoterous magazine malfunctions.

I have seen many shooters fall foul to making short mags longer.

Best to contact the "Magmaster" Directly and get his advice.

(voice) 949-548-3745

(fax) 949-548-8122


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