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Last Minute Company Travel


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This could easily be changed and put into the Like forum.....But right now I am completely STRESSED.

Come home from vacation on Saturday to find a voice mail from my boss about goign to Italy.

This morning it is all set up....I am going to Italy (GREAT)....on Thursday (You have got to be SH**ING me).

For at least 4 weeks. I have 3 days to do laundry, pack, get some books, pay my bills for the next month. Pay off my ex-wife (child support) for the next month plus, as well as get all the work I was working on caught up and handed over to someone else.

Good Fricken Grief, my head is spinning just trying to think of everything that needs to be done, much less do it. Hell, I don't even know for sure what town I am going to in Italy yet, much less how to drive there once I land.

Big Dave, now I know some of what you go through w/your job. Oh well, in less than 72 hours everything will be done, because I will be on a flight out of the USA and by defination I will be done.....I just hope I am really.

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OK....Now I am so pissed I cannot even really think straight.

I have been jumping through all kinds of hoops to get ready to leave the country for a month plus. I burn though MY MONEY like it is lemon drops to pay my bills for the next 6 weeks. Give my ex, 6 weeks of child support. Take my kids shopping for school supplies and school clothes since I THINK I won't be here in a month to do it. I have got less than 4 hours of sleep the last 2 nights, because every time I am about to fall asleep, I think of something else I need to take care of before I leave. All so I can be ready to hit the ground running and do a good job for my company and our client.

This afternoon (I was scheduled to leave tomorrow), the client calls and tells my boss to put the trip on hold. They are not sure when they really need my help of even IF they need my help. WHAT THE F**K!!!! I have a couple of English to Italian books and Italian road maps I could so easly shove way up his ass where he might be able to read them. I am sure the D*$M power converters can go there also.

And he wants me to sit on my damn butt waiting for them to make up there fricken mind. Hell I don't have anything to work on now.....I made sure all MY current workload was transfer to others.




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I'm feeling you pain. I had something similar happen once though it involved California to Florida. I made all sorts of arangements and then had it cancelled AT THE AIRPORT!

Hope it all works out.

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I used to do that crap every week. Every week there was a drop-dead "crisis" (every one of which could have waited two weeks) that I had to race across the continent on with 48 hours or less notice. They even were sending us to Europe on short notice. I now hate travelling so much that getting in my car to go to the store seems like a burden.

The absolute worst part about business travel is getting stuck with a salesman. A real salesman. Not the engineer-turned-salesman-because-they-couldn't-find-anybody-else salesman. But a real,ignorant, tasteless, classless, nouvelle gold-plated trailer park chic salesman.

The word "hell" takes on a whole new meaning on those trips.

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Travis (and anyone who delt with anything similarly)


The good news is that it gets "easier".

The bad news is that it takes about 2 years before it gets any "easier".

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My on again, and off again travel is now on again. Found out this morning that I am off to Italy tomorrow. Will be flying into Verona and be there by Wednesday evening Skywalker time. At least my going nuts last week is keeping me sane this week. Everything is pretty well taken care of. Just need to pack my carry on bag in the AM.

Sure wish I could shoot a match in Italy, but it sounds like they are taking a break for the big European match coming up later in August. Hopefully will get some time to take in the sights, will just have to wait and see.

I will try to keep in touch from time to time.


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Have fun Travis.

One thing I always try to do when I travel for business is find a local shotgun range to shoot trap or skeet at. I rent a gun from the range and go shoot. Perhaps you can do the same in Italy. Much easier than going through the hassle of flying with a shotgun for a short trip.

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