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Major 9 breechface


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Those of you with major 9 open guns, what is the breechface width on your guns? Or more simply was your gun built on a .38 super slide, or a 9mm slide?

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I use a 9mm size breech face dimention, (SV replaceable).

Edit note:

The demension of the breech face is measured from the center of the firing pin hole to the left side of the face, (when looking at the slide as if you where aiming at a target) and this should be .190" for 9mm or rimless 38. SV and Caspian will have slides in this demention. 38 Super demensions will be .200 to .205".

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Nobody can tell me at least if your gun was built with a .38 super slide or a specific 9mm slide? It is my understanding that STI does NOT make a 9mm slide, they just use the .38 supers, not sure about SVI. I do know that Les Baer makes both a .38 super and 9mm slide, the 9mm has a slightly narrower breechface.

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STI only makes 38 super slides (breechface should measure right at 0.410 at the bottom). I have never seen a specific 9mm slide from Caspian but they may make one, last time I asked they said the breechface had the same dimensions. SV makes a breechface insert specifically for the 9mm or rimless brass, that has different dimensions. Just make sure to use an Aftec for 9mm/38 super comp and you should be fine.

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I just measured mine, and it was .376 at the top and .402 measured from the bottom as best I could. It is a little dirty and I don't know if that made a difference or not. I had never noticed that a 9mm wouldn't fit in from the top along the breach face, as a .45 will slide in from the top. Whats up with that Bob?


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On two built on STI slides I have had ejection trouble. The case rides up the breech face to far and the ejector goes under the case rim, this does not happen on every round. The ejectors are long EGW and the extractor is an Aftec. Ejectors have the point raised as far as it can go.

Anyone have a similiar problem? Any suggested fixes??????????????????

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