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Finding myself being petty


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I really hate it when I find myself getting really pissed of over something petty. Especially something that happened in the past and that I had no control over. It makes me feel like a real POS when I get these types of feelings.cussing.gif

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Usually when I get upset about something that is petty...that means I had some expectations attached (that likely weren't realistic or under my control).

Man Flex did you hit that one square on the head in this situation. I rarely get upset like that anymore but this time I did.

The funny thing is that I caught my self being aware of it right as it happened. Once I thought about that I was aware of it happeneing I of course thought of being aware while shooting. I started laughing for a moment.

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I had a similar issue with this last fall. Our host suggested a book for me to read that changed my whole outlook and perspective. I don't promote it as the only way or the right way, but merely a perspective. FWIW...

book link

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This has something to do with your CJ doesn't it?

Very funny Al! Actually I just had to replace the damn head gasket.

BigDave, Thanks for the link and suggestion. It is in the mail already.

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