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in my way during my on-deck walk-through


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Wednesday, 3 PM, first stage of the 3 Gun Nationals for the range officers shooting the match, Bay 1, shotgun and rifle. I'm third or fourth, doing my on-deck walk-through. Someone is in my way in the shooting area... it's not a shooter, not an RO, but.... Kurt Miller! <cue dastardly music> aka kurtm on these forums. I gave him the evil eye and he slinked off the stage like a rat. He's lucky BDH wasn't there and "off with their heads" uscbigdawg didn't see that.

Later, as an RO, I could be heard on Bay 5 with my newly-invented and entirely unofficial range command... "YOU! Off the stage!" ...protecting innocent squads from marauding course-crashers such as kurtm.

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To be fair to the Weak But Fast one, kurtm, I doubt that he was getting in the way of shooters Friday through Sunday. But getting in the way of a shooting RO in a squad of ROs in Thursday's RO match, man, that's playing with fire!

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He's lucky BDH wasn't there and "off with their heads" uscbigdawg didn't see that.

Actually, I would have 'politely' asked him to step back. ;) What was bugging me on Bay 5 was that more than once we had shooters from another squad up on the stage (usually, the afternoon squads, as I can't remember us ever being back up). I was just glad that Jay was the CRO so he could bark at them...

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Does rule 8.7.5 state a punishment?

From the (IPSC) red book:

8.7.5 No person is permitted to enter or move through a course of fire without the prior approval of a Range Officer assigned to that course of fire or the Range Master. Violators will incur a warning for the first offense but may be subject to the provisions of Section 10.6 for subsequent offenses.
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