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What is the best way to shoot prone with a handgun? Shoot with belly down or roll on one side? Any thoughts or tips would be appreciated.


Flat on the ground for me on elbows slightly.

One important little tidbit that I overlooked my first time shooting prone. Turn your hat around or remove it altogether. You won't be able to see if you don't.ohmy.gif


Roll over works better for me as I wear scrip glasses. Try 'em all and find out for yourself. We are all djifferent!


I've been working on this recently - for me, its on my belly, and "superman", when using my XDm. It's a bitch, but I can shoot fairly accurately, by my standards, and transition easily, and have some recoil control.

If I was skinny enough to be able to press the butt of the ground into the dirt, and see the sights, I would probably do that.


Try to keep the gun in its natural upright position as much as you can. The prone position and its lack of support or different type of support can make the gun do funny things under recoil. I use noth methods and sometimes a hybrid of the two. It all depends on the situation, so practice a few types.


For me, a lot depends on the distance of the targets, and the angle at which Im shooting. Generally, I roll slightly to my side. For most people though, their build will dictate which position they shoot from.

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