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If you had one week to improve.


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If you want to beat him in a specific match and your club posts its stages ahead of time you can set up those stages and run them on the clock. Dry fire them if you can't live fire them. In fact, dry fire them even if you can live fire them.

I don't like doing that for one reason, I could hand 100 people a stage to set up and I would have 100 different stages. One thing i will look for and practice is starting positions,odd shooting positions,etc that i can put into practice.

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Ive done a ton of dry fire drills and I have put approx 500 rounds downrange so far this week. I setup Brian's Transition Drill pt 1, and Mikes Movement Drill from Ben's site. I did those 2 days in a row 15 times each. I wrote down all the times and the hits. I scored Mike's Movement Drill with USPSA scoring to get a hit factor. I improved on it by 8.5% from Tuesday to Wednesday. Improved on the Transitions drill by 6%. Not bad for 1 day. I'm going to setup 2 different drill for tomo and do them again Friday. I don't want to do the same drills all week because I don't want to improve on those drills but want to improve overall.

More dry firing and mag change practice tonight. Then more live fire tomo afternoon.

I don't know if I am going to improve that much this week but I am definitely getting the rust out.

Any more suggestions as to what to set up tomo?

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Thursday I did a lot of .22 work. Obviously it's a lot easier to shoot but I used it for transitions and movement. More dryfire at night.

Today is Friday and it is pouring out. I was gonna to take a break from drills and set up a lot of fun things like the poppers and the star but Funday is not happening. Might go to the indoor range for some accuracy work or I might just double up on the dryfire and reload drills.

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  • 2 weeks later...

He finished 7th and I finished 9th out of 19 Limited Shooters. Only a few percentage points behind him. HOWEVER, I had a couple problems with my mags seating during the reloads. I had checked to make sure all my mags worked in practice but didn't load them to the full 15. When the new mags were loaded to 15 they didn't seat correctly. It happened twice in one stage and once in another. I lost approx 12 seconds in the first stage because during the heat of the moment I didn't figure out what was happening right away. I would have beat him on that stage if I had those 12 seconds.

He stomped me in the classifier, which was ridiculous by the way, Quad Standards. OMG that's rough with a new gun or any gun for that matter. 40 yards? What what? Link to Quad Standards I got 3 rounds off after the reload, but should have slowed down a bit and tried to get more accurate shots instead of quicker ones. If it wasn't for those 2 stages I would have edged him out and won.

A lot of people didn't think that one week of intensive practice would help much but it definitely did. The movement drills helped me the most. I got into and out of shooting positions a lot faster than I used to. He even noticed it and made a comment about how I got the lead out this year. He also heard from my dad or sister that I was practicing and he spent a few days practicing in his basement with the airsoft. Ha.

I also got some good advice from an A class shooter who was watching me and I applied it this week and I am shooting better already.

We both won a few stages, but I know I will be winning more in the future.

Edited by Babaganoosh
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Good for you man! I've only shot three matches so far but am constantly trying to find ways to improve. I've never really known the importance of dry firing until recently, but I've learned it the hard way... I am fortunate to be consistent in my shooting, I'm constantly in the bottom three in my club!

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Ha! I shot in this match as well, and that classifier was brutal.

Yeah, harry dqed on it. I think if I had more time with my new gun I would have shot it better. I haven't practiced from 40 yards with it yet, let alone strong and weak hand only. I should have shot it 10% slower and focused more on accuracy.

My cousin stomped me on this one because he is left eye dominant and can shoot very well with his weak hand only.

I'm just going to keep practicing, maybe even get some of the books or dvds out there.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I beat him! I beat him by 6% at this past Sunday's match. Only the second match with the new pistol and shooting Limited

I know for a fact that he is still a better marksman then me, but I am getting better in my movement, transitions, and I am starting to be able to semi stick to my stage plan. I had one slight malfunction where my pistol only extracted the empty halfway and the next round wedged into the bottom of it so tap and rack wouldn't work. I dropped the mag, released the slide and reracked to extract the empty, slammed a new mag in, and on I went. It didn't screw me up as much as it might have a few months ago. I was still able to keep to my stage plan. I gotta run for now but I just remember to update this.

Edited by Babaganoosh
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Glad to hear you beat him. I also started out just wanting to beat my buddy.

Now set another goal that is harder but also achievable. Push yourself to reach it, then set another goal. Small steps on the way to the bigger picture helps me.

Part of your dryfire should include slowing down and calling all your shots. Then reaffirm with live fire. That should help with marksmanship. Some of my dryfire includes slow deliberate aiming and trigger pull. I want my eyes and brain can see what the proper sight picture is. Then during a match hopfully my sub-concious won't let me break a shot until it sees what it wants. Thats the theory anyway.

As you know there is more to the game than just marksmanship. Movement and stage planning are areas where I have seen myself make some big improvements.

Good luck and congrats on the win.

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