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Hello all i got a used millet rear sight for my 625-8, i went to install it and removed the factory rear sight assembly and unscrewed the little metal pad that threads into the elevation screw and went to screw it into the millet sight and it got tight after 1 or 2 turns is the pad a different thread than the screw in the millet sight or am i dealing with a burr in the elevation screw the stock sight assembly works great.


Hello all i got a used millet rear sight for my 625-8, i went to install it and removed the factory rear sight assembly and unscrewed the little metal pad that threads into the elevation screw and went to screw it into the millet sight and it got tight after 1 or 2 turns is the pad a different thread than the screw in the millet sight or am i dealing with a burr in the elevation screw the stock sight assembly works great.

S&W calls that a sight elevation stud, the Brownells part number is 940-071-800

The Millet sight uses the same stud as the factory sight. I bet Toolguy knows the thread and pitch to get a tap to chase the threads. :cheers:


Ahh thankyou for the terminology correction and the part number i may have to order one to mess with it and if i ruin it im not up shizit creek with out a paddle, hopefully warren chimes in its got to be smaller than 6/32.


Hey guys! Sorry to be late to the party. The elevation screw is a #3-80, the same as the windage screw. That tap and die is pretty hard to come by.


Thanks Warren i got to looking at it its such a shallow thread in the screw i dont think a tap would get deep enough to clean the threads, looks like ill have to scrap the millet idea.

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