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Coach's 2012 Shooting Log


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Won't be long now and I'll be able to shoot over at Silver Creek. That's just a hop skip and a jump from Evansville.

And at Riley

But please leave the hopping and skipping in Kansas

That is where that technique belongs.

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I am teaching a Basic Pistol 100 course tomorrow in Warsaw. After I got the truck loaded up with the gear I got some dryfire done.

Drill 2: Draws

This went very well. I drew into all three targets from the same foot placement. I made all of the times even the ones under baseline. I did 6 reps per time here. I was pleased with how it went.

Drill 15: 2R2 9 reps

Made all the times down through the baseline with a do over. I grabbed a handful of shirt with the magazine on one. only made 1/3 under the baseline. One was a bad grip from the start. The other one was just slow.

Drill 11: 6RSHO

This drill did not go very well. I had some do overs just because I was slow, and a bad reload or two. I called it poor focus. I had other things in my mind while doing this drill. I called time out and clear my head and made 2/3 under baseline. So I called that a rally and went on.

Drill 12: 6RWHO

Went 0/3 under baseline, had to do several do overs to get through the drill. I sucked. Second worst drill of the season.

Bill Drill: From table top did 6 reps per time.

made all the times easy. After the previous drill it felt really good to nail this. This was my best bill drill session of the year. From cold to hot in the same five minutes. Story of my life. What a difference a Day makes. :cheers:

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Shot the first club match of the year at Silver Creek Conservation Club today. It was a long drive after a full day on Saturday, but I am glad I went. Good company on the ride down and back. Dave Butler had some good stages up for the match. I got to see Rat Bastard #3, which is always thrilling.

The match: The good the bad and the ugly.

On the good side I shot a clean match. I will have to wait until scores come out but I think I had less than three deltas. The first two stages were decent. I had a stove pipe on the first stage but it was still solid. I shot the Texas Star ok but not one for one. I moved ok, had good plans. I called shots at a 99% rate, which is good for me. I only had one that I was uncertain about and it was a charlie.

The bad: I sucked on the plate rack and the long popper on stage 6.

The ugly: Reloads were terrible at times. I am not happy about the stove pipe. I had a freaky issue on the weak portion of the classifier. It appears that the last shot of string two did not eject and I got a click rather than a bang. It ruined a good run. After the first two strings I was down only 1 point. The reloads, and plate rack on stage 5 I am ashamed of completely. I almost busted my ass going into the last position, and the language is not PG-13.

Check it out for yourself. Work to do on reloads.

Edited by Coach
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I like this version of the video better than the one on ingo.

The language made it feel like old home week.

Was that a squib on the classifier?It looked like a great run other than that.

This video makes me want to get a match. I have been slacking on the dryfire lately.I'm gonna get back at it today

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I like this version of the video better than the one on ingo.

The language made it feel like old home week.

Was that a squib on the classifier?It looked like a great run other than that.

This video makes me want to get a match. I have been slacking on the dryfire lately.I'm gonna get back at it today

I am going to and not scream f*#k when the camera is on anymore this year. Editing is too tough.

It was a good run till then. The last round on the SHO did not eject the brass, but it did cock the hammer. So first shot WHO is click and not bang. Bill and Craig were in the 4's on that string I was 8.07. :angry2:

GH2 gave me a stern talking to on the phone tonight about my issues with malfunctions and whose fault they were. I am considering his sage advice at this time. Something was amiss. Zero gun malfunctions all last season and two on Sunday. WTF? Clearly it is Jake's fault.

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I like this version of the video better than the one on ingo.

The language made it feel like old home week.

Was that a squib on the classifier?It looked like a great run other than that.

This video makes me want to get a match. I have been slacking on the dryfire lately.I'm gonna get back at it today

I am going to and not scream f*#k when the camera is on anymore this year. Editing is too tough.

It was a good run till then. The last round on the SHO did not eject the brass, but it did cock the hammer. So first shot WHO is click and not bang. Bill and Craig were in the 4's on that string I was 8.07. :angry2:

GH2 gave me a stern talking to on the phone tonight about my issues with malfunctions and whose fault they were. I am considering his sage advice at this time. Something was amiss. Zero gun malfunctions all last season and two on Sunday. WTF? Clearly it is Jake's fault.

If you stop screaming expletives, I quit because I can't control my match tourets.

So what does GH2 say about the malfunction? It has to be Jakes fault,everything else is :roflol:

Edited by Riverman67
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Shot the first club match of the year at Silver Creek Conservation Club today. It was a long drive after a full day on Saturday, but I am glad I went. Good company on the ride down and back. Dave Butler had some good stages up for the match. I got to see Rat Bastard #3, which is always thrilling.

The match: The good the bad and the ugly.

On the good side I shot a clean match. I will have to wait until scores come out but I think I had less than three deltas. The first two stages were decent. I had a stove pipe on the first stage but it was still solid. I shot the Texas Star ok but not one for one. I moved ok, had good plans. I called shots at a 99% rate, which is good for me. I only had one that I was uncertain about and it was a charlie.

The bad: I sucked on the plate rack and the long popper on stage 6.

The ugly: Reloads were terrible at times. I am not happy about the stove pipe. I had a freaky issue on the weak portion of the classifier. It appears that the last shot of string two did not eject and I got a click rather than a bang. It ruined a good run. After the first two strings I was down only 1 point. The reloads, and plate rack on stage 5 I am ashamed of completely. I almost busted my ass going into the last position, and the language is not PG-13.

Check it out for yourself. Work to do on reloads.

I have had a chance to break down the tape: Here are the problems as I see it.

Silver Creek February 12, 2012

Notes on mistakes

Stage 2:

1) The first load is way to low.

2) The gun is not up high enough when I get to the first position.

3) Cleared the malfunction way to low.

4) Did not tap, rack bang. Just looked and racked.

5) Need to move more aggressively into the last position.

6) Keep the gun up always.

Stage 3:

1) Slow draw (1.32)

2) Body was not squared up to targets from the start position. Did not have to move feet.

3) Movement to second position was slow. I felt like I was in mud all day.

4) Gun was not up when getting to the third position.

5) Reload was low. Keep the gun up.

6) Sight focus would have prevented extra shots on the star.

Stage 4:

1) No lean on last shot while exiting the first position.

2) Position 2 dropped the gun while transitioning from target to target.

3) Moved like an old crippled woman to the last position.

4) There were paused upon the entry to each box and the shot being fired.

5) Reloads were low and that means dropping the eyes.

Stage 5:

1) Slow draw

2) 1 miss on the swinger forcing a makeup shot from another position. It is too slow when

having to thing my way through a stage. This is where this cluster begins to come unraveled.

3) Poor focus on steel plates. Speed focus not sight focus.

4) Low gun contributes to the dropped mag.

5) Profanity was a waste of time.

6) Slide in gravel at the end was due to being out of control.

7) Plan was not burned in enough. I did not spend the time getting ready that I should have


8) Flinching on the steel, maybe all the time.

9) Sight focus not speed focus.

Stage 6:

1) Take that stupid hat off. It causes way to much drag when on the clock.

2) Need a sight focus not a speed focus especially on the long shot.

3) Open the door with foot not the hand.

4) 2nd target to the right side needed to be shot on the move.

5) Missed the position on the port.

6) Should have used the low port.

7) Leaving the port bend the knees and move faster.

8) Questionable plan on this stage. (draw into popper and then go?

Stage 1:

1) Draw ok but a pause finding the sights for the first shot.

2) String 1 reload ok, but the second sucked.

3) Flinch on the click.

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Positives from the Silver Creek match:

No Mikes and only three deltas on the day.

Had I been malfunction free I win the day.

Powder is set incorrectly on the dillion accounting for the light loads. Gun is fine. Load is not. Fix it and move on.

I focused on two things tonight. Keeping the gun up and reloads. This problem was also a factor in not winning Sunday. Not winning Sunday pisses me off. It is not acceptable to lose when winning is possible. However, in the big picture I want to improve skill level to win the bigger matches, and I want to peak in October. So learn from it and move on.

Drill 15: 2 reload 2: I did 10 reps on each time.

I made all the times and only had one bad reload. Two thirds of the way through the under baseline time I realized I was making the time on each one and it was because I was focused on seeing the mag well and keeping the gun up. A lesson relearned again. Focus on the mechanics and the fundamentals and let the results take care of themselves. I then went back and did 10 more on the baseline.

Drill 11: 6 reload SHO

I did 9 reps here and same focus of gun up and see the hole. Went well made all the times.

Drill 12: 6 reload WHO

I did 9 reps here as well. It was a laborious affair. Focus was tough. I had four or five bad ones and it was tought to make baseline.

I was sweating and hot. I stopped at baseline and took a break.

Bill drills:

Went reall well saw the sights and made the times. I moved the baseline down one tenth after completing the drill. I did 6 reps on each time.

Looking forward to tomorrows session.

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Shot the first club match of the year at Silver Creek Conservation Club today. It was a long drive after a full day on Saturday, but I am glad I went. Good company on the ride down and back. Dave Butler had some good stages up for the match. I got to see Rat Bastard #3, which is always thrilling.

The match: The good the bad and the ugly.

On the good side I shot a clean match. I will have to wait until scores come out but I think I had less than three deltas. The first two stages were decent. I had a stove pipe on the first stage but it was still solid. I shot the Texas Star ok but not one for one. I moved ok, had good plans. I called shots at a 99% rate, which is good for me. I only had one that I was uncertain about and it was a charlie.

The bad: I sucked on the plate rack and the long popper on stage 6.

The ugly: Reloads were terrible at times. I am not happy about the stove pipe. I had a freaky issue on the weak portion of the classifier. It appears that the last shot of string two did not eject and I got a click rather than a bang. It ruined a good run. After the first two strings I was down only 1 point. The reloads, and plate rack on stage 5 I am ashamed of completely. I almost busted my ass going into the last position, and the language is not PG-13.

Check it out for yourself. Work to do on reloads.

I have had a chance to break down the tape: Here are the problems as I see it.

Silver Creek February 12, 2012

Notes on mistakes

Stage 2:

1) The first load is way to low.

2) The gun is not up high enough when I get to the first position.

3) Cleared the malfunction way to low.

4) Did not tap, rack bang. Just looked and racked.

5) Need to move more aggressively into the last position.

6) Keep the gun up always.

Stage 3:

1) Slow draw (1.32)

2) Body was not squared up to targets from the start position. Did not have to move feet.

3) Movement to second position was slow. I felt like I was in mud all day.

4) Gun was not up when getting to the third position.

5) Reload was low. Keep the gun up.

6) Sight focus would have prevented extra shots on the star.

Stage 4:

1) No lean on last shot while exiting the first position.

2) Position 2 dropped the gun while transitioning from target to target.

3) Moved like an old crippled woman to the last position.

4) There were paused upon the entry to each box and the shot being fired.

5) Reloads were low and that means dropping the eyes.

Stage 5:

1) Slow draw

2) 1 miss on the swinger forcing a makeup shot from another position. It is too slow when

having to thing my way through a stage. This is where this cluster begins to come unraveled.

3) Poor focus on steel plates. Speed focus not sight focus.

4) Low gun contributes to the dropped mag.

5) Profanity was a waste of time.

6) Slide in gravel at the end was due to being out of control.

7) Plan was not burned in enough. I did not spend the time getting ready that I should have


8) Flinching on the steel, maybe all the time.

9) Sight focus not speed focus.

Stage 6:

1) Take that stupid hat off. It causes way to much drag when on the clock.

2) Need a sight focus not a speed focus especially on the long shot.

3) Open the door with foot not the hand.

4) 2nd target to the right side needed to be shot on the move.

5) Missed the position on the port.

6) Should have used the low port.

7) Leaving the port bend the knees and move faster.

8) Questionable plan on this stage. (draw into popper and then go?

Stage 1:

1) Draw ok but a pause finding the sights for the first shot.

2) String 1 reload ok, but the second sucked.

3) Flinch on the click.

I am really going to have to remember to get the damn camera out and use it. It's hard to believe that you can learn that much from 3 minutes of video.

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The camera does not lie. I would have argued with anyone that I was not dropping the gun like that. It is valuable and I am going to try and tape every stage. It is too valuable of a learning tool. Plus it helped to discover the cause of the malfunction.

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I tried to focus on reloads again tonight. I was successful to a certain degree.

Drill 15: 2 reload 2 10 reps

I had to do a couple extra reps to get 10 good ones on the first set.

I made all of the other times and did not have to do any extra ones to get the 10.

Drill 8 6 reload 6: 6 reps

2 extra at 3.9

No extra for getting the baseline done.

Only made 1/6 under baseline time.

Drill 12 6 reload WHO: 3 reps

Making the basline time was difficult. Only made 2/3

under baseline 0/3

Bill Drill 6 reps

Made all the times easy. Even the news baseline and under.

Drill 16: Bill drill Reload Bill drill

I have not done this drill in 2012. I started tonight to work on trigger speed and some more reloads. I decided to to 3 reps and no do overs.

3.6 seconds I was 2/3

3.5 seconds 3/3

3.4 seconds 3/3

3.3 seconds 1/3 I had one bad reload and did not get the sights into the right place on the other.

I have a theory that my low gun during the match was due to my reload drill with the SS gun. I do that sitting on the floor and with a little reflection I think I was dropping my head and gun while doing it and did not notice. I am going to change up how I am doing that drill and make sure the gun is up.

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Worked on reloads and target to target transitions Friday in a 45 minute dry fire session. I also worked on getting the load for my .40 right. It was a little light and that helped to lead to the malfunction at Silver Creek.

I also have been thinking about where this low gun problem came from. I think part of it is when I sit on the living room floor and do reloads with the SS. I am picking up mags off the floor and I think I was reloading low and building a bad habit doing this. I got a session in this morning and I made sure to do them with the gun up and it felt different. So in the future I am going to make sure to keep the gun up.

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It was nice and sunny today once I got home from getting the taxes done. So I deicded it would be a live fire day. I shot roughly 280 rounds. I did several drills of 6-8 rounds but I did not take out paper and so I did not record any results. I shout an array of four targets from 10 to 20 yards and was pretty pleased with the results. I was pushing things as hard as I could and the times were fine but a few times a mike slipped in that I did not call. There were also a couple that I called that were on the C/D perf. More work to do calling shots at speed.

I shot some SHO and WHO drills that were decent.

I shot some bill drills betweem 2.29 and 2.46 seconds. Accuracy was good speed is still disappointing. I have not been on the trigger finger thing like I should be and I am going to do better.

I did several six shot drills on three targets at 14-15 yards. I had some draws down until 1.18 and all were under 1.5.

Edited by Coach
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Last week was full of professional, personal and families activities that put dry fire on the shelf. I tried to hit the trigger finger exerciser a little harder than I have been lately.

But Sunday I started the week off with some mid morning dry fire. I went into the session fairly pissed off, and that did not help things a whole bunch.

Drill 2: Draws

Went pretty well. I made the times down through baseline with no problem and got good trigger prep on all but one draw. Under baseline I made most of the draws. Draws have been going well. In live fire on Saturday I was able to get one shot on the drop turner at 9 yards with a visual start. I had a rope on the DT and from hands relaxed at sides I could start on movement and draw and hit the DT 2 out of 3 times. It was tough. Pretty cool though.

Drill 15: 2 reload 2

I did nine reps as reloads need to get better. I had a couple of bobbles and had to some extra. One I closed my eyes at exactly the wrong time for some reason. It did not go well. Not having the gun high enough seems to make things a disaster.

Drill 12: 6 reload WHO

Sucked from start to finish and I was slow. I got more and more pissed and had to go outside and break some stuff.

Drills 11: 6 reload SHO

Better than WHO but not great.

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Back to school today. Easy day at school but I would rather not be there.

Drill 15: 2 reload 2 (9 reps)

Went pretty well I made the times, saw the sights and was actually smooth at times. A couple of bad reps had to be redone. Keeping that gun nice and high is a key to success for me.

Drills 8: 6 reload 6

Went well made the time down through baseline. Under baseline I was 2/6 and too close to call on 2 others.

Drill 12: 6 reload WHO

Went much better today, because of a much better focus. I also realized I have moved this time down and it is doable but it is set very aggressively. I want that, but I have to remember every single practice session is not going to go perfect. I feel better with today going better.

Drill 11: 6 reload SHO

Went well made 2/3 under baseline. SHO is a personal strength. I need to capitalize on it more in matches, such as going through doors and around barrcaides or other places with tough leans and such.

Drill 29: Straight plates

I did three reps at each time left to right and four from right to left. I need to get faster and better going right to left. It has to be done in matches. I have never had such a good session going right to left as I did tonight. I made all the times down through baseline and made three of four under. :surprise:

Drill 30: Plate tranisitions

went very well also.

Bill Drills: From table top

Made the times easy. Moved baseline down a tenth. Maybe that trigger finger gizmo is paying off, or maybe I am just picking the gun up faster.

Looking forward to shooting at South Central this coming Sunday.

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Last week was full of professional, personal and families activities that put dry fire on the shelf. I tried to hit the trigger finger exerciser a little harder than I have been lately.

But Sunday I started the week off with some mid morning dry fire. I went into the session fairly pissed off, and that did not help things a whole bunch.

Drill 2: Draws

Went pretty well. I made the times down through baseline with no problem and got good trigger prep on all but one draw. Under baseline I made most of the draws. Draws have been going well. In live fire on Saturday I was able to get one shot on the drop turner at 9 yards with a visual start. I had a rope on the DT and from hands relaxed at sides I could start on movement and draw and hit the DT 2 out of 3 times. It was tough. Pretty cool though.

Drill 15: 2 reload 2

I did nine reps as reloads need to get better. I had a couple of bobbles and had to some extra. One I closed my eyes at exactly the wrong time for some reason. It did not go well. Not having the gun high enough seems to make things a disaster.

Drill 12: 6 reload WHO

Sucked from start to finish and I was slow. I got more and more pissed and had to go outside and break some stuff.

Drills 11: 6 reload SHO

Better than WHO but not great.

Sometimes things must be broken. I hope you didn't break anything that needs to be replaced

Edited by Riverman67
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Counting today: 15 days of dry fire in Feb, and two days of live fire. Not quite as many as I had hoped. Last week was a loss. I pulled the trigger thing over 1200 times today strong hand and nearly 500 weakhand. I broke a piece of the spring and that lightened it a ton. I think that might be a good thing for speed building.

Bill Drill: 9 reps

Started here cold and made all the times down through the baseline and four or five under the baseline. The new times were tough but doable. Feels like a little progress is being made here.

Drill 2: Draws went well. I am not as fast as I can be or will be, but I feel faster and smoother all the time. Two good drills in a row.

Drill 8: 6R6: 6 reps

Went pretty well. Muffed three reloads and did them over so I had six good reps per time.

Drill 12: 6 r WHO 3 reps

This drill sucked at the baseline. I had to do about 10 to get three good ones. Lack of focus or thinking the reload should be automatic. Under basleine I made all three because my confidence returned with a couple of good runs at the end on the baseline. Made the first one under the baseline and then I just decided to make the other two. Success breeds success.

Drill 11: 6RSHO 3 reps

A couple extra reps to get all good ones, but I made it.

Drill:29 Straight plates

Continued to do well at this drills. The right to left is coming along and I am feeling confident about it. That should help in field courses.

Looking forward to Sunday.

Overall I am seeing the sights well and snapping the eyes pretty well. A good smooth draw is helping as well.

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Last week was full of professional, personal and families activities that put dry fire on the shelf. I tried to hit the trigger finger exerciser a little harder than I have been lately.

But Sunday I started the week off with some mid morning dry fire. I went into the session fairly pissed off, and that did not help things a whole bunch.

Drill 2: Draws

Went pretty well. I made the times down through baseline with no problem and got good trigger prep on all but one draw. Under baseline I made most of the draws. Draws have been going well. In live fire on Saturday I was able to get one shot on the drop turner at 9 yards with a visual start. I had a rope on the DT and from hands relaxed at sides I could start on movement and draw and hit the DT 2 out of 3 times. It was tough. Pretty cool though.

Drill 15: 2 reload 2

I did nine reps as reloads need to get better. I had a couple of bobbles and had to some extra. One I closed my eyes at exactly the wrong time for some reason. It did not go well. Not having the gun high enough seems to make things a disaster.

Drill 12: 6 reload WHO

Sucked from start to finish and I was slow. I got more and more pissed and had to go outside and break some stuff.

Drills 11: 6 reload SHO

Better than WHO but not great.

Sometimes things must be broken. I hope you didn't break anything that needs to be replaced

Nothing important. Breaking things is cheaper than getting bailed out of jail after a bar fight.

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I was supposed to ref a middle school wrestling meet tonight. Got there and no meet. I went home and dry fired. March is going to be busy so it was good to get started on day 1. I want to get in at least 20 days of dryfire in March,and all the weekends are full with matches, classes or meets.

Overall tonight went well. I had some good great draws in the SHO and WHO drills that felt really good. Saw the front sight fast and easily. Had a little break through on the reload situation tonight. When I focus on look it in and put it in the magazine well it went great and was up to speed. I have been focused on the sights and snapping the eyes and taking the reload for granted, and with a speed focus. Tonight I hit 95% of the reloads for a change at speend and it was smooth. I think I have discovered what I need to tell myself in my head for this.

Bill Drill

It went just fine.

Drill 2: Draws

Went very well.

Drill 30: Straight plates

Very well. Very happy with the progress going from right to left.

Drill 15: 2R2

This was the big progress for the night. The last few sessions have been a struggle with reloads not tonight.

Drill 12: 6 R WHO

Much better than the last few session.

Drill 11: 6 R SHO

went well

Left the garage pretty happy.

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Shot South Central today. It was a fun match with quite a few swingers or moving targets. The match consisted of six stages. I RO'ed a great squad and shot pretty well. Not a perfect match as I grazed one no shoot on the classifier on the third string, and pulled off the last paper target on the "standards" course. I will post the video after I have time to break it down. I was a little aggresive on two swingers and had to wait for them to reappear but I called the miss on the first one and made it up. I shot three times at the last swinger on stage 1 and I hit them all. The second shot was on the left side of the barrels and I could not call it becaue it was in mid arch.

I did not have the problems with reloads that I had at Silver Creek. The gun is still a little low on reloads compared to where I want it, but some progress seems evident. My shooting on the move is very rusty, which is not a surprise since I have not worked on that all winter. Shot calling was good today. I was never greatly surprise by the targets when they were being scored. The gun ran great, and the only change was it was clean and the ammo was not weak. I borrowed a chrono today and plan to confirm that the load is major power factor and get that ironed out, hopefully for SS and Limited both. My SS bullets should be in soon.

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Here is the South Central Video from today with my own observations below.

Stage 2:

- A little slow on the first shot after the gun was up. It was a partial target but still slow.

- My left index finger is pucker up for some reason rather than wrapped around tight. Don't know why.

- My first shot on string three was a complete surprise. It was a charlie. Not sure if I should celebrate the surprise break or worry about the AD that just happened to hit the target. What would ________ do?

+ I was pleased with my speed going from right to left on those two strings. I did not think about it at the time. I simply tried to press the trigger when I saw the sights. I did graze the No shoot on the last string, which sucks, but nothing to do about it now.

Stage 3:

- I was trying to be aggressive on the footpads. I was. I needed to time the second one a little better because that swinger was very fast. I called the miss on the first pass and had to go back which hurt the time. I was looking at my sights for all the shots but I noticed the target was gone on the one. Saw the sight pretty well today.

-Still moving around like a fat ole woman with a bad back.

-Stuck the gun into the port like a rookie.

-Missed the last position with my feet. I should have gotten the last 8 shots off without the shuffle.


-Slow getting first shot off. I should have been able to do that on the move. I am rusty shooting on the move.

-The plan was to shoot the second array on the move. It was risky. The targets were 12-13 yards away and the movement would have been lateral. My mind just resfused to allow it.

-The shooting on the move going into the third position was very choppy and rough. Seeing a theme here?

-I called the delta a miss and made a third shot on the move. Poor shooting decent recognition of poor shooting I guess.

-My plan in the last position was to open the door while shooting the last target to the right of the door SHO. More multy tasking than my brain would allow. Maybe next time.

-The eye snap to the last array was slow and lazy.

Stage 5:

-This stage was a trick bag. Three paper and three steel. Two a piece, one steel, MR, two a piece one steel, MR two a piece and one steel. Try not shooting steel that is staring you in the face. So the trick was not too shoot the steel early and get the procedural. I was 12 seconds and change and felt smooth. I called the hits on the steel and did not hesitate there. First pass third target and second shot was the only mike of the day low left. Lack of follow through on the sights and too quick to the reload. Moved the gun before it left the barrel. (Jake tells me so)

Stage 6:

-I had trouble on deciding the finer points of this plan. Nothing I tried seemed smooth. Guess what the end product wasn't smooth either.

-This was my worst stage of the day for seeing the sights. I had two deltas through the push open port and I did not call either one. I think I relaxed after the array with no shoots. I did not give those targets the proper respect.

-I dropped the gun a bit coming from the port to the soft cover array of targets.

-Movement was slow and sluggish.

+I was pleased with the no shoot array.

-Did not get close enough to push open port before stopping my feet.

-The long side to side transitions are slow and not crisp at all. Snapping of the eyes needs to be more crisp.

Stage 1:

Quite a bit of debate in the squad on how to shoot this stage. My goals for my plan were; no retreating back up range, not having to run from corner to corner all the way across the stage, and not leaving the position with two swingers once I was there. I had the best plan, but not everyone agreed.

-Did not back out of my first position aggressively.

-A little slow running.

-Reload was slow.

-Slow to engage the first target after the reload.

+ Mowed the steel down.

-Way to slow getting the first target in the last position. It was tough to get to but it should have happened faster.

+I told myself to aim all four shots at the swinger and not double tap them. I did. I was just too slow to do it. Skill level has to come up. Max had them set up to get them all in the first pass. I was too slow. The second shot on the second swinger was left of the barrels. Since I could not ambush it on that side I was tracking it. I hit the shot but did not know if I did or not so I shot a third shot back on the right. The hits were alpha, charlie, delta and I believe that is the order I shot them, but I cannot prove it.

I could have shot it faster a second time and I could do it without missing. I like my plan but room for improvement on the execution. I should have shot the activating popper low so I could get the shooting done in one pass on the swingers. Overall a good day on seeing the sights.

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