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AR15.com Rockcastle Pro Am Aug 24-26 2012

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This was my first time shooting the ProAm. It was a well ran match , and the RO's on the AM side were all professional. The stages were a lot of fun. Noticed their was no room for any mistake , haha. I am thankful to all that helped with the match.

I hope I am able to get into the match next year. I have only been shooting 3 gun for 6 months , and was lucky enough to place in the top 40 on the AM side. The cave match was one of the coolest things I have done shooting .

Linda my condolences to you and your family.

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I don't know what all stages weren't allowed a 5 minute walkthrough, but, our stage was one of them, which was AM2.

Myself, and my fellow RO, who has worked the Single Stack Classic, and USPSA Nationals,several times, ran the math beforehand, and we couldn't figure any way to get our stage to come close to running on time, and even without allowing the squads to have a 5 minute walkthrough, the squad that was scheduled for 4 P.M., on Friday, didn't start until 6ish. :surprise:

A good time, for our stage was around a minute, with a LOT of people timing out. Add 2-3 minutes to stage guns, take sight pictures, and another minute or two to clear the guns, then another minute or two to score and reset the targets, multiplied by 13-15 shooters per squad, and it always comes out to more than an hour.

We did the best we could, with what we had to work with, and wish we could have afforded to give the shooters more time. :blush:

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I don't know what all stages weren't allowed a 5 minute walkthrough, but, our stage was one of them, which was AM2.


We did the best we could, with what we had to work with, and wish we could have afforded to give the shooters more time. :blush:

You both did a great job getting us through without being pushy about it. :cheers: you were the Akdal shooters, right?

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Linda, thanks for all your hard work and dedication. It's certainly appreciated. Prayers to you and your family during these tough times.

This was my first time at Rockcastle and I had high expectations of the match in addition to the facility. I've heard nothing but good things from friends that attended last years match, as well as various other 3 gun matches and sniper matches over the past couple years. Rockcastle didn't disappoint to say the least. That place is truly a shooters paradise. 2,000 acres of pristine property in the foothills. I can't wait to go back! There was always something to do from the side matches, vendor tents, stages or hundreds of people to talk to. The free beer trailer was a nice touch too :cheers:

I shot Pro and had no issues with RO's the entire match, much less stage 5. They were all pleasant and did a fantastic job. My hat's off to them. Shooters and many others at the match could catch a break and chill in their vehicles AC when they pleased. I doubt the RO's had such luck. Who'd of thought Kentucky would be as hot or hotter than GA in August.

Thanks to AR15.com, Rockcastle staff, vendors, countless volunteers and anyone else that had a hand in putting on such a great event.

It was also pretty cool to chat it up with Nick Noble. What a great host.

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Katie did an awesome job on stage 6. When I got to the line, I leaned back and asked, "Port arms or low ready," just to confirm the start position. She snapped back, "Uh, low ready!" with just a little bit of sarcastic attitude. I got a kick out of it.

A young Semi-Pro in training!

Katie did a fantastic job. Thanks!

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I can't speak for the Pro stages, but my crew and I thought the AM stages were top notch and very professionally ran. I personally witnessed multiple RO's interact with shooters in a more than gracious manner.

In fact, I would like to say a special thanks to Kurt Miller for his help on AM Stage 7 on Friday evening. His actions really made an impression on some new shooters and the way he dealt with some of the new shooters was nothing short of first class.

It takes a ton of effort and talent to pull off a successful 3 gun event, much less TWO in the same location at the same time! My hats off to everyone involved in making it happen. Sure there were hiccups, but there always are no matter where you go. Sometimes you hear about them, sometimes you don't. I will say though, that if you went and didn't have fun, then it's no one's fault but your own.

YMMV, but for me and mine, we'll be back for more!



Once again a awesome time and a lot of laughs. Look forward to it next year. I guess we will have to visit you and Brad over on the Pro Side. Good shooting. Tell Hollywood I said hello.

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That was a temendous match. The folks at Rockcastle are some constantly making things bigger and better. Just about every 3 gunner I ever heard of was there.

Learned a couple of things: flying clays can kill a match, loose comps can cause some issues with zero, and getting a reshoot is futile if your rifle double feeds on your second run. (I probably already new these, but I got to relearn them this weekend.)Oh, and if you are asked if you want any moonshine...politely say no thank you.

I had a blast, pro squad 4 was terrific. Thanks to Gary, all the RO's,the stats shack, the Rockcastle owners and staff, all the sponsors, and the volunteers.

I bet 99% of the folks who were there this weekend are already looking at their 2013 August calendars.

And, on the next day, when someone asks how many times you hit the 'shine, don't even think about saying "Oh, maybe 2 or 3". Considering that you go blind in one eye after the first snort, you for sure forget how to count!! Maybe it just LOOKS like a double feed. :cheers

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I had a great time at his match (my shooting not so much). My only complaint was the lack of information about side matches and the locations of them. I found and shoot a few but there was no mention of them in the match book and the map only had a few on it from the previous years match. Other than that great match.

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All the ROing was superb from my perspective on the pro-side.

Most of them I recognized from multiple events. Experience was not in short supply. It is a crap job, that for some reason, a bunch of guys more or less volunteer to do, and I am grateful. Travel, time off from work, being away from home, and putting up with ornery shooters, is hardly worth a mtach fee, room, and a box lunch in my opinion.

Thanks to all the ROs this weekend.

I'll tell you why we do it. We get to be with friends, deepen relationships, meet new friends (yes, I was rooting for you and cringed at the double feed), watch awesome shooters and, oh yeah, get to shoot ourselves. It's all about the memories and I wouldn't trade it for anything (except being able to have my daughters join me like Chad had Katie with him). We do it because we want everyone to have the best, most consistent match possible. Plus we get to laugh at folks too...

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An Open Letter to all the ProAm Staff from the MD

I would like to express my thanks and congratulations for a job well done to all the staff. The ProAm was the largest 3gun is history and we made it happen. Friday and Saturday were long days and everyone stood up and got the job done whatever it took. The overwhelming number of very positive posts on enos say it much better that I can. I was pleased to hear at least one shooter thought we were too easy on the shooters. I asked you to give the shooters every possible benefit of the doubt. That is what I asked for and you delivered. I would not change a thing in that regard.

I hope we can work/shoot together in the future. I had a blast and trust you did as well.

With respect and appreciation,


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I second ruffnst. Finding that many ROs is tough, usually you're looking for enough for 10 stages, 15 makes it really tough. Every shooter should take the USPSA RO classes, get the multi-gun endorsment (harder to find that class!) and work a match or two a year. You'll appreciate getting to shoot over two or three days rather than in one, and you'll realize a lot of what not to do, before you get yelled at. I do it partly to see what shooters are using. On a squad you get to see 15 guns and gear. I got to see 236 or so. Came back with ideas on products Brownells doesn't carry, but should. Have a possible new product with Jerry M and David Powell (plastics molder) and that's cool. Gotta find out who had that spring-loaded thumb safety on his S?I...

Condolances to Linda on her loss, thanks to Sandra and the rest of the crew for working extra hard. Got to shoot with Chad and Katie - she's a great kid and going to be a great shooter. I'll bet she gives Katie Harris a run for her money in a few years. Both Katie's are credits to our sport and their dedicated fathers. Gives me hope for our country's future.

The Nobels worked extra hard, Joe D and Ed from AR15.com did too. Everyone was good about taping and pasting and I have to thank my bosses, Frank and Pete Brownell, for letting several of us have the time off work and providing vehicles to get there.

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Spring loaded thumb safety. That could have potential.

I know progressive machine had one done and I know the guy that designed it. ITs pretty trick but if you come off that thumb safety it will lock it up!

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Spring loaded thumb safety. That could have potential.

I know progressive machine had one done and I know the guy that designed it. ITs pretty trick but if you come off that thumb safety it will lock it up!

Or if MD's recognized functional 2011 grip safeties. 3GN was close to doing that but the MD decided not to minutes before the match. This discussion belongs in the "rules" forum for sure so I'll leave it there.

With that being said, all of the RO's I had the opportunity to shoot with were extremely professional. :cheers:

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great match, was my first 3 gun match and i came in 10th on the am side. my only wish is that they let like the first, i don't know 10 finishers walk the prize table first. haha i think they should split and let the top finishers walk earlier or have a side prize table for the top.

i stayed around for the pro prize table and open had there own prize table. you could do something like that for the top % of shooters on the am side then do a draw.

other then being a little late, i was very impressed with the match and the staff. many thanks to a job well done. Nice win Mr. Jordan of FNH

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great match, was my first 3 gun match and i came in 10th on the am side. my only wish is that they let like the first, i don't know 10 finishers walk the prize table first. haha i think they should split and let the top finishers walk earlier or have a side prize table for the top.

i stayed around for the pro prize table and open had there own prize table. you could do something like that for the top % of shooters on the am side then do a draw.

other then being a little late, i was very impressed with the match and the staff. many thanks to a job well done. Nice win Mr. Jordan of FNH

The theory behind that is that it keeps people from sandbagging and shooting AM that should shoot pro. If they let the top 10 guys walk the prize table you'd see a lot stiffer competition at the top end of the AM match and I doubt it would be possible for 1st time 3 gunners to finish that high.

With that said, I don't know you or your ability, I'm not knocking it one bit. You might be able to run with the big dogs.

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great match, was my first 3 gun match and i came in 10th on the am side. my only wish is that they let like the first, i don't know 10 finishers walk the prize table first. haha i think they should split and let the top finishers walk earlier or have a side prize table for the top.

i stayed around for the pro prize table and open had there own prize table. you could do something like that for the top % of shooters on the am side then do a draw.

other then being a little late, i was very impressed with the match and the staff. many thanks to a job well done. Nice win Mr. Jordan of FNH

If you want to go to the prize table in order of finish, then shoot pro next year. One more stage, one more C note, and order of finish to the PT.

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Suggestions for Rockcastle 2013

Computer registration has not worked well for 2 years - give it up or get it together.

I could not find any safe areas at the match; none. Either change the rules or get safe areas.

Rifle racks made out of scrap 1x2 real flimsy holding 15,000 to 20,000 worth of rifle.

Preloading shotguns a good idea? Maybe, it saves time. Might be a good idea to have shotguns pointed in a safe direction with area behind roped off. Saw many people/shooters/wives etc. walking by loaded barrels. Some day in the future we will be talking about the good old days when we preloaded shotguns.

Food was served 100feet from restuarant kitchen, is that the best you can do? Chicken Friday 7:45 was bloody and partly cooked.

Some squads did not shoot last stage of the day on Friday because of backups and had to shoot it 7AM Saturday, maybe 3 ROs per stage instead of 2 would have helped moved things along?

Plastic drop barrels screwed to trees with 2 chinese drywall screws?! I saw one free standing drop barrel collaspe after rifle set in (not thrown in).

Right handed TV celebrity shooter started moving to his left with his Taran Tactical $2,500 shotgun at port arms with barrel pointed over the heads of his squad, no DQ. As squad members yelled mussel!?!

Rockcastle has potential but is not a 1st class match now.

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