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Does anyone dryfire outside? I dont know if this is legal anyway. Might be seen as brandishing. I have a big backyard and it would give me a lot of space and possibilities with targets. Plus it is light so late now that the fiber optic would look just like normal versus how it looks inside.

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I do it every once in a while, but I've talked to my neighbors and they're totally cool with it. Basically, their only request was to not errantly point muzzles at their windows (especially when someone is standing near the window). They trust that everything is empty, it's just the WTF factor. No problems. And I'm a mile away from the mall.

Both are interested in coming out, but their work schedules don't allow for weekend shooting.

My advice. Talk to the neighbors.


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I do all the time. I've got cool neighbors on one side and the dog run has plenty of room. I just have to muffle the timer because the neighbor is still trying to sleep at 6:30am.

Anyone know of a timer with a headphone jack so I wouldn't be sharing the beep with the rest of the world?


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Rumor has it EricW is in the timer-mod business as well.

I am. I'll be putting up info in the next day or two on it.

I can't imagine what a PITA using headphones must be though. The cord would be flopping around everywhere unless you got did the Secret Service bit and ran the cord under your shirt.

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In addition to talking to my neighbors I put some info in their mailboxes about the national team, me and the sport in general. I thought I had informed all the could see into my backyard until last monday when the cops showed up... Turns out of my neighbors had friends watch their house and they saw this dangerous man running around with a gun so they called the cops... Took some explaining..

I naturally informed them that it's not my real gun I practice with in the backyard, it's just a toy that really looks and feel like my real gun...they bought it. :lol:

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