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Swenson Safeties

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They are Limited legal. Mine seem to hold up well so far. However, the quality (finish) of the product stinks. They come unfinished (you have to polish them) which is a pain. Mine also had pits all over the metal. In my opinion, for what you pay for them, they should be finished.

Another alternative is a thumb shield that Bob Londrigan (Brazos Custom) designed that goes between your grip and the frame. It requires modification of the frame. But it works.

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The originals were a decent part. As of late they are a piece of junk. Every surface has to be fit. The pins are not the right size, sear pad is not right, surface finish is non-existant, and the casting job is poor (many pits). Last one I put in a gun took three hours and I still was not pleased with how they looked. I won't be using another.

We do make a thumb shield but I can't take credit for the orginal design that was Marc Krebs. Once he stopped making them I asked for permission to copy it and he graciously said go ahead. I made a few improvements and came out with a new product.

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Several months ago I ordered two Swenson safty units. I took them (along with the two 1911s) to my gunsmith to install, and he looked at them and said to send them back.......... that they just aren't worth the hastle because of all the time that would be required to "get them right". I did what he told me and never looked back. Did I have a bad experience with them? NO. Do I trust my gunsmith's judgement? YES. He also gave me a "mini-lecture" about talking to him BEFORE ordering parts with which I am not well versed!! He is a good friend, and I listened to that advice also!!

My Papa used to have a saying, "As we go.... we learn."

Best of luck,

Jeffro (Jeff)

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The only reason they're popular is they're all you can get for ambi-thumbguards. Swenson's patent has a few more years to run and they're cashing in on it to the max.

Most smiths hate the latest ones and would rather gnaw off a leg than fit one.

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There was a thread on this a while back. Bul makes some too, but someone (was it you, Shred?) had broken the shields off. Shooter's Connection sells 'em.

Me, I'm going with Bob's thumbguard on my Open gun.

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There was a thread on this a while back. Bul makes some too, but someone (was it you, Shred?) had broken the shields off. Shooter's Connection sells 'em.

I am the breaker of shields. I am also the breaker of Swenson's.

I am done with Swenson's and Bul.

Me, I'm going with Bob's thumbguard on my Open gun.

Thats what I did and it works great and I like it.

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I had them on my first Open Gun and they were some of the earlier era and were great! So, when I got the pistol that I run now, I had Rusty install them, and they worked, but as stated here earlier, gunsmiths hate them as they take forever to fit and finish. So, when I had Bob Londrigan build my Limited pistol, I had him install his shield and love it.

I'm getting the Open gun back today with a new set of safeties as the Swensons that I had broke during a 3-gun match (I don't fault Swenson, I fault 35,000 rounds). I'll run with it this way for a while and if I need some buffer between the thumb, I'll definitely go with Bob's shield.


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I just cannot wait for Swenson's patent to run out. I have a set and spent a couple hours polishing them and making them right. I'm not sure I have the patience to do another set.


Has anyone tried a workaround around the patent? Is that why nobody makes decent set?

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I looked at the patent for a while and it's fairly comprehensive. I thought of a couple workarounds that might fly with the PTO, but there would probably be lots of lawyer-welfare involved, and given the original's only got another year or so to run, the value proposition is low.

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I looked at the patent for a while and it's fairly comprehensive. I thought of a couple workarounds that might fly with the PTO, but there would probably be lots of lawyer-welfare involved, and given the original's only got another year or so to run, the value proposition is low.

People should lose rights to their patents for executing them as poorly as Swenson has done as of late.


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I do have a left handed version of the thumbshield (goes on the right side of the gun) almost ready for production. I sent some of the first batch to Mike Tilley for testing (Chris likes them on both sides) and had to modify the program to change the shape to clear the ejection port a little more and have not had a chance to re-do them yet. I will have some in production in the next month or so.

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They aren't an external mod to reduce recoil...so they would only fall under the "500 produced" clause.  I am sure there have been 500 thumb shield made for the 1911's.

I wonder how that works. I have seen a number of people machine part of their Swenson shield as to reduce its size yet serve its purpose. I am a bit fuzzy, but does that still count as produced part or is it one of a kind? If it is still legal, then could I build up a CMC safety to have a small shield and till be legal? How would be different then the machined part?

As for lawyers, as long as I build my own part and I don't try to sell it, I think I'm safe. Not that I actually plan to, it is more of an intelectual execise.


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Must be about a zillion of these on limited guns. A buddy uses them and has been to the nats a bunch of times with out a problem. Back a while Swenson parts were as good or better than any, shame to see them slide to the junk side. Larry

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The brazos ambi shields are awesome. We have now fitted all of our guns with them. We will be holding graveside services on thursday for all of the swensons. Long live Bob!

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Hi Bob,

Could you post a few details about mounting the shields? How big is the slot the needs to be cut, location, etc? My swensons are about ready to kick the bucket and I'd like to see if my local gunsmith can handle the job.

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