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Superstition Mountain Mystery 3-Gun 2012

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Well this was my second 3Gun match. It is a good thing since I don't know much about 3Gun matches, but this is the seoond most fun I have had at a 3Gun match. The first being RM3G.

What a great group of staff people working the match!

A quick comment on stage 8, first I over-scoped the long distance target and it took me forever to find the first target. My boo-boo.

Second, I heard all the concerns about the three hits on the target concerns; so I had a brand new 60 round Surefire mag, that work perfectly the entire match, so I figure 'more rounds down range equals more fun," with Todd Jarret's advice about planting the right elbow in the window frame and Taran's comp, I just hammered the plates with 5 and 6 rounds each and everytime one of those pesky targets showed up! I felt like I was running a Class III AR. Loved It!

Finally, we have to do something about the ROs Palmer and Howard--they make a stage too much fun! These guys are great!

Awesome match!

Great job by everyone associated with the match!

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Had a great time! Squad 2 was great to shoot with. Many thanks top all the staff that worked so hard to produce this match. Thanks also to all the sponsors but especially to LaRue for the free BBQ lunch every day of the match (you guys know I hate to miss a meal...).

Looking forward to the final scores when they get posted.

I appreciate the efforts by the Stealthy Blagga and his crew to make Statge 8 succesful. It's a great concept and I enjoyed engaging targets as they appeared. However, I doubt you will ever be able to satisfy folks that the targets work 100% of the time without some form of visual feedback from the bullet strikes. They went down ok for me and I finished the stage with 38 shots (praise God 'cause those .308 rounds are expensive!).

It was also great to see 40 or so other "He-Men" that showed up. I hope we see this division continue to grow.

Thanks again to the crew. :bow:


Edited by Blockhead
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Thank you to all of the staff, R.O’s and the Rio Salado Range

And personally thank you to Mark LaRue for having your crew drive the trailer down and feeding us all weekend.

The stages were nice and uncomplicated, there were no “Where’s Waldo” Targets, and the negative hype about the army men targets on stage 8 proved (at least to squad 10) to be . . . .nothing. . . . we shot them, they fell down, we moved on.

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Fantastic match as always, this was my 10th and its better every year.

Huge thanks to the match staff, I don't know how you guys do it out there in the dust and heat and on your feet all day. You are my heroes!

Thanks for the match sponsors for an awesome prize table!

and now....

my issue with Stage 8 is the "whack-a-mole" aspect of it. While your performance is mostly based on how quickly you can put 3 hits on them you are also at the mercy of the computer and its presentation. I had cleared all but 1 at each distance and had to wait a very long time of them to re-appear as the computer ran its program and this feels like an eternity.

The targets are great because they are reactive so they are simple to score and have no reset time. I just wish they would be used like regular targets. Place them out there in various places and distances and all in the up position so they can be seen. Then allow the shooter to move through a course of fire and take then down as quickly as possible. It would make a great long range multiple position stage rather than propping in one spot waiting for something to shoot at. You could have shooters standing, kneeling, prone, propping, whatever and no-one has to rely on hearing an RO call hits.

Just a thought

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Well, seeing as how we followed squad 2 for the match...


Of course I have to thank the sponsors and match staff for a great match. Squad 13 was an honor to shoot with. Not only were you all great shooters, you were fun to be around and we re-set stages quicker than any other squad - guaranteed.

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Thanks to everyone for all their positive comments about the match - it really makes us feel good to know that all our hard work was able to deliver a quality shooting experience to the competitors.

As CRO on Stage 8, I was relieved that things went more smoothly than last year. The stage proved to be more interesting than I had expected; the timing of the exposures really defined the right or wrong way of shooting it, and the wrong approach could leave you in a cruel waiting situation. Times on this stage ranged from mid-50 secs up to over 140 secs, so the computer sequencing did not necessarily hold up the shooter (unless they let it). For the most part, competitors that shot the targets like static paper (hold center of mass, squeeze the trigger and call your shots) managed to kill the targets in the required 3 shots, whereas those who sprayed and prayed threw a lot of shots just over the shoulders of the targets. This became more and more evident from the progressive erosion of the berm behind and above the targets. After the match, I joked that the target pits are now wheelchair-accessible :roflol:

A fascinating aspect was the extent to which "groupthink" took over with squads. A loud individual proclaiming "these targets don't work" or "they can't detect fast shots" could influence how the whole squad shot the stage. I have seen this phenomenon before, but not to the extent I saw it on this occasion.

The vast majority of competitors had no trouble "killing" the Meggitt pop-up targets - indeed, about the only folks who left any targets un-neutralized did so because of catastrophic gun problems that prevented them from finishing.

For the folks who felt that the targets lost sensitivity after only 5 squads (say 75 shooters/225 hits), here is a video of me shooting the stage for fun, after the match was over, using the same target faces that had already been shot by all squads that day:

And for the folks who felt that you had to shoot the targets slowly because the system cannot resolve rapid hits, here is a video of me shooting a target (set to fall after 3 hits, just like in the match) with a 3-round burst from a machinegun firing at around 750rpm:

Thanks again to everyone who made SMM3G2012 a match to remember.

Edited by StealthyBlagga
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Thanks for a great match and all the hard work, had a blast as always :)

A few suggestions for next year:

a ) Start the sponsor plaque part of the awards ceremony earlier. The sponsors should be well-known and the results dont need to be final for this to happen.

b ) If score sheets go missing, or have issues, and you need to look at the shooter's copy, dont delay posting the results, post them and set the person's time to 300s for that stage. When he shows up with his score sheet, it can be adjusted/corrected accordingly.

c ) Liked the idea with the water bottles/water coolers, but a few more (coolers, that is) would be nice for next year.

d ) Daily online updates to the results would also be nice and cut down on verification time on Sun for many. Would also hopefully help avoid B)

e ) Buy/borrow more military targets ;)

Edited by gose
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Thanks to all the ROs, working in the sun.. that's one tough job

The lunch from Larue was great.

I do prefer the old way, shoot in the morning, or afternoon. It was more tiring standing waiting in the sun all day. We were jammed up a few times, waiting for 2 squads to shoot.. Squads didn't seem evenly distributed. I think Denise said she had 15 or more on her squad?

The pop-up targets were fun, not sure they're the best use of the targets in that sequence. I'd rather see them all spread out over a large area.. 50 - 350 yards, 2 shot each, or something more like a field course

They did seem to register all the hits accurately, but the delays in the presentation, evened the stage up more than it should

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Here ya' go 2012 Final Scores.


No insult intended, but those scores posted are worthless. They only show the match as a single division's results, everyone heads up. Only has 1 winner on each stage. Need the divivisions broke out, times of each stage and percents of each stage, and overall percent IN EACH DIVISION FOR EACH SHOOTER.



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Here ya' go 2012 Final Scores.


No insult intended, but those scores posted are worthless. They only show the match as a single division's results, everyone heads up. Only has 1 winner on each stage. Need the divivisions broke out, times of each stage and percents of each stage, and overall percent IN EACH DIVISION FOR EACH SHOOTER.




The info you're looking for starts on page 25 of the spreadsheet.

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Here ya' go 2012 Final Scores.


No insult intended, but those scores posted are worthless. They only show the match as a single division's results, everyone heads up. Only has 1 winner on each stage. Need the divivisions broke out, times of each stage and percents of each stage, and overall percent IN EACH DIVISION FOR EACH SHOOTER.



No insult intended, but if you scroll down in the document you'll find exactly what youre asking for ;)

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My bad....

Kinda hard to scroll thru 166 pages on this phone...



No offense taken. I didn't compile them. Hell, sometimes, just for fun, I start ranting before I know what the hell I am talking about too. It's fun that way. ;)


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