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C-more Railway Adjustments


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Just wanted to ask around on people's experience with the "Railway" version of c-more. Its on a single side mount on a STI frame....

What's irritating about this c-more is that it won't stay zeroed! I zero at about 20 yards... so adjust adjust... turn a screw here and there until I consistently hit a 1" group at about 20. So I tighten the adjusment screw locks.. shoot off two groups of 5 rds and......

the darn things "zero" has moved away.

I loosen the adjustment screw locks, fire another 5rd grp and it shoots back at its original "zeroed" position...

What concerns me is if I keep the adjusment screw locks loose

(a) I'll constantly have to zero the gun

(B) I'll loose the lock screws somehow...

Is this a warranty issue with C-more? Can I get a replacement? Never had this problem with the "Serendipity" models before... Thanks in advance...

Kind Regards

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Nah, it has nothing to do with the fact it's a Railway. They are all the same sight with the same adjustments and adjuster-lockers.

Seems to me this has happened before and been discussed here. Maybe you should try a search.

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When you adjust the windage, don't loosen the lock screw. It is unneccesary and affects the zero when you retighten.Not so for elevation though.Good luck


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Thanks EriK, Ong... Just tried the search (",) .. sorry bout that.... I'll be abit more "proactive" next time...

I normally loosen all the lock screws... I'll re-zero with just the elevation screw and leave the windage lock screw alone. Its never happened before with the serendipity model so I was surprised when I tested the new open. It had two different aim impacts in two days...

Regards & Thanks Again.

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Thanks. I'll re-zero today under the new "procedures" (",)..

Glad to know the c-more ain't broke though.. relieved...

so i'll loosen the elevation locks and keep the windage locks snug...

Thanks again...

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I have been having problems with my elevation not staying zeroed. The lock screw on the side would loosen in less than 50 rounds. I took the screw out then sprayed some pro grip on it and it stays put even after adjusting. Do this at your own risk not to sure if it could mess somthing up.

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You may have some parallax problems too. Put the gun on a rest pointed at a target about 20 yds and without touching the gun move your head around and see if the dot moves on the target. If you have a bunch you might contact Cmore.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ross,

I'll test for parallax problems as you recommend. didn't know about that one and I was thinking it was purely a elevation and windage adjustment problem.

I've re-zeroed the sight at 16 meters. So far, its holding its zero. For consistency, I checked the groups against a board and then a 4 x 8" plate at 30 meters.


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