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USPSA Multi-Gun Rules

Jim Norman

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I have just read through the MG rules and there are several items that I think deserve note.

First, they are provisional, and they will be in effect with possible modifications for almost two years before they are adopted. Thank you! Had this approach been used with the Handgun Rules, we would have saved hours of typing and no one knows how much discussion from the too quick adoption of rules. Thank you BOD, this is the way it should be done!

Second, one item to consider. we are requiring that an "Abandoned" firearm be left in the empty condition and specifying a match DQ if it is not and the competitor moves more than one meter from the grounded or abandoned firearm. I am not sure if I like this. If an ARO is tasked with moving to the grounding spot as the shooter moves beyond and STAYING THERE until the shooter returns to clear the grounded firearm, I think that that should be allowed. Provided of course that the direction of grounding is into a berm and no one can cross in front.

Third, I like the idea that a competitor is DQ'd form the entire match, regardless of the firearm he DQs with. This should be adopted into the 3-gun rules as well.

Let your AD's know what you think. I know I will. If we don't, we can't complain the next time the rules are changed. This is the oppurtunity we have asked for. Use It!

Jim Norman

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Jim, I agree with you for the most part. The only thing I note is that the IPSC rules were available for discussion and comment, (but they weren't listed as "provisional"--there you are right on) for quite some time before it seemed that the BOD got around to making US adjustments to them.

As for the empty abandoned firearm, I believe they chose to err on the side of extreme caution. I think time will show that if the muzzle is in a safe direction and the gun is laid down with the safety on, that requirement can be removed.

Please do contact your Area Director. I'm sure that after many of this year's matches, the suggestions for improvement will have some actual "field testing" to back them up.


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