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Scherer mag tubes


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I have 4 with Arredondo extended base pads and springs with stock followers and they all work. The followers are trimmed fore and aft quite a bit and they still don't stick up as high as they do in Glock tubes but so far they have worked. I don't know what kind of longevity to expect since I have only been running these for about a month but so far so good.

I am really surprised at how crappy they look. The surface is rough and kind of bumpy in spots. It is sad that they couldn't make one that looks and feels like a Glock tube. So far the bumps don't seem to be causing any problems.



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I am really surprised at how crappy they look. The surface is rough and kind of bumpy in spots. It is sad that they couldn't make one that looks and feels like a Glock tube. So far the bumps don't seem to be causing any problems.

Actually, it doesn't surprise me at all. Overmolding is *hard* and *expensive*. Scherer probably only has one mold and they've done all their R&D on it - it's probably a miracle they can mold parts off it at all.

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Didn't Scherer actually make magazines for Glock years ago (with the Glock imprints)? I know that if you compare their 33rd magazines with Glock 33rd mags, it's tough to see any difference.

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The two I had did ok for a few matches then started having all kinds of malfunctions feeding. it ended up being the feed lips,,,,they were slowly spreading open.

In the end, I got so aggravated with them, I chucked them,,,,,couldn't even practice with them they were so unreliable.

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I have one for my 35. I have had no problems. They are not "drop free" Metal in mag is thin and only three sides. Mag bulges when loaded and doesn't consistantly drop free. Don't try the Dawson extened base pads on them. They will fly off. Guessing because of the lack of metal in the bottom half. TXAG

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