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Annoying shooters


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There is a guy that shoots at the same club as I do. He is not a bad guy but his problem is that he runs his mouth all the time. He gets into people's head and it throws their game off. Him and I had words but he does not shut up. It gets really bad when he has a bad day. What should I do?

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And so you speak to or listen to him why?

Just ignore him, he will go away.

If he truly interferes with shooters/the match, speak with the MD.

Jake from Top Shot would have been best ignored by all; it’s a response that keeps these people going.

David E.

Since of course this isn't the Wild West, where irritating individuals weren’t around long.

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That's really unfortunate. I'm new to competitive shooting and the USPSA, but have found this to be one of the best sports out there. I'm sure there is always going to be that guy, the good have to out weigh the bad. Everyone I've encountered has been really nice and supportive. Which in most sports the newbies are always treated like outcast and jokes. I have even got stuck on a few local squads with GM and M class shooters. I was intimidated at first, but found they were all very helpful, patient, and take time to show the ropes. I've encountered this in other sports and have always found silent treatment works best after positivity fails. Staying positive and focused is the key to bad situations in sport and in life. Mind judo him by not letting him get the satisfaction of seeing you get flustered or fail.

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There is a guy that shoots at the same club as I do. He is not a bad guy but his problem is that he runs his mouth all the time. He gets into people's head and it throws their game off. Him and I had words but he does not shut up. It gets really bad when he has a bad day. What should I do?

I'd call that extra training. ;)

Everything is a distraction from the shooting.

Focus on the shooting.


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There is a guy that shoots at the same club as I do. He is not a bad guy but his problem is that he runs his mouth all the time. He gets into people's head and it throws their game off. Him and I had words but he does not shut up. It gets really bad when he has a bad day. What should I do?

I'd call that extra training. ;)

Everything is a distraction from the shooting.

Focus on the shooting.


You are correct... but sometimes principles get in the way and need to hear a lashing. Then you get more training dealing with distractions!!!

I have a friend that once in a while will do things that are very distracting... I need to learn to deal with it but I will also let him get earful.... just a more difficult skill to acquire!

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No. It is not jake. That was a good one. I tried to ignore him but it was hard to concentrate. I double plug my ears, so at one point I turned my electronic muffs off.

You can't stop "hearing" him... you need to just block it out.... switch focus if you can. Not easy I know.... I guess you could punch him in the face.. rolleyes.gif

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If you confront them, you can't know the outcome. If they come over the top of your comments, you'll be fired up. That would hurt my shooting.

If it's a USPSA match, rule 8.6.2 applies during a CoF.

Any person providing interference or unauthorized assistance to a competitor during a course of fire (and the competitor receiving such assistance) may, at the discretion of a Range Officer, incur a procedural penalty for that stage and/or be subject to Section 10.6.

The rule includes reference to 10.6, grounds for DQ.

If the loudmouth won't settle down for the shooting, there's an angle. If they're just being a turd between shooters, there's not a lot that can be done unless their comments themselves warrant DQ.

For me, there's not much choice really though: suffer the fool. Save the cookies for yourself though, I wouldn't waste a cookie on a guy like that. :)

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IDPA club match I was the shooter, had a "knucklehead" just continuously running his mouth, smack talk, etc, beyond good natured fun. By the time we got to the 2nd stage the SO turned around and told him to STFU, he continued. The SO turned back around and told him he wasn't kidding and a DQ for unsportsman like conduct would be the next course of action. That solved it for the day, I refuse to squad with him at any match I'd leave the match if the only squad available contained this individual.

Talk to your match staff, this should not be tolerated.

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The ideal situation is as described above, the RO/CRO spells out what awaits him if he keeps flapping his pie hole.

Failing that, bring a large chocolate chip cookie and a bag full of softballs to the next match.

Offer him the cookie, and tell him that if that doesn't keep his mouth busy, the softballs will....

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I would try the "Excuse me please but your continual talking is becoming very annoying and I wish you would stop". If that failed I would leave and ask the RM/MD if I could join another squad. I really hate confrontation when I am wearing a gun.

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I think you should just wait until he is loading his magazines, and talk to him with intense focus. I mean really look at him. All of him. Maybe even give him a back handed compliment like, "Hey man, have you lost a lot of weight? "Cause you used to look ALOT BIGGER!" "I mean really! You look a lot lighter! What are you half way to your goal yet? Must be a lot of work! Well keep it up whatever your doing, it must be working!" And keep it up! Get one of your buds in on it. Ask him, "Hey Al! What do you think, has this guy lost some serious girth or what?" Then go with a different thing the next stage, and the next. Have fun with it.

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If this guy is bothering the majority of the shooters on your squad, then I would direct him to refrain from the excessive running on of his mouth and politely tell him he is being a distraction to the competitors. You'd have an entire squad to back you up on your directive... then if he doesn't comply, give him a warning... then when he still doesn't shut up... 10.6.1 Give him his bus ticket.

10.6.1 Competitors will be disqualified from a match for conduct which a Range Officer deems to be unsportsmanlike.

Examples of unsportsmanlike conduct include, but are not limited to, cheating, dishonesty,failing to comply with the reasonable directions of a Match Official, or any behavior likely to bring the sport into disrepute. The Range Master must be notified as soon as possible.

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We had a guy who was so obnoxious at IDPA matches that the MD banned him from competing at that range. The guy called and talked to Bill Wilson personally, so I am told.

Now he can't shoot IDPA anywhere. As I said, he's obnoxious.

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