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My fastest El Prez


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I shot my fastest elprez ever last night in practice with the open gun 4.09 & 55 Points HF 13.4474

I was really happy my best before this was a 4.97. Steve Andersons dry fire drills work!! :D

I shot a D on T2 I looked to T3 before i broke the shot, i have been haveing a real problem with doing this lately trying to speed up my transitions i look away just as or just before the 2nd shot breaks.


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i look away just as or just before the 2nd shot breaks.

Blake Miguez looked to be doing this on one of Matt Burkett's DVD's... can't remember which one/set, but it was in the Extra Shooting portion. Guess it all comes down to how you've trained and how your motor skills work. I notice myself doing this sometimes as well as doing the exact opposite (sitting there staring at the sights, then wresting my eyes free from my brain and looking to the next target).

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There is a fine line with transitions...you need to call the last shot and then drive the gun to the new target.

This is a sliding scale...with close transitions like the el prez, you can accept less input because you KNOW where the next target is and can already see it.

Bottom line, know that you have reached that speed, turn the vision back up.

Great news!


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WE are all capable of doing exraordinary feats and hit factors in practice but i look at my scores in a match as the true indicator of where i am in competition where th heat is on ., best regards on a phenomenal accomplishment. too cool!!! B)

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Trigger T i cant think that fast either, Thats how i did it :D

I know i cant do it in a match yet but you have to be able to do it in pratice first.If i could quit thinkin at a match i might be able to repeat it.

Thanks Guys.


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  • 2 months later...

do an el prez like that cold, like a match..thats probably the best indicator of you abilities.. in practice i can crank off a bill drill well under 2 seconds after 3-5 warm up runs... but cold i normally drop two or three points and do it in about 2.5 or so...

Im gonna try practicing the morning of the match this weekend and see what that produces...maybe better could be far far worse.

we will see.

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Great shooting.

I've had Steve's book since april and doing several dry sessions of el-prez but yesterday I did about 6 live runs and my best time was 5.08 with 52 points. I shot STD - Minor.. I've shaved a good 1.5 seconds off since I started practicing in april.. Next week I'll be under 5. :D

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