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making a FAL legal


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I am thinking about purchasing an FN-FAL/L1A1. I understand that you must install a certain number of U.S. made parts to make it legal. I am unsure of how many parts and what type I must install to make it so. If anyone has any knowledge in this area please share any info you have.

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Is this a rifle question? If so, we'll move it to the rifle section.

Yes it is.


Try contacting DSA Arms. They make the US version and probably will tell you what needs to happen.

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Yes it is a rifle question sorry, i'm new at this. I've contacted DSA but they weren't able to give any advise because I haven't bought the rifle yet so i could not give them specifics on what make and mod I had. Well thanks for responding to my question and i'll do some more digging on the subject.

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The best sight for your question is FNFALFiles.com. There website has lots of FAL information, links, as well as a forum for FAL lovers. here are some to of the links:

http://www.fnfal.com/falfiles/usaparts.html Should give you the best info for your question in general.

http://www.fnfal.com/falfiles/old_index.html The old website that has working links

http://www.falfiles.com/ The new website where many of the links don't seem to work yet

http://www.falfiles.com/forums/index.php The Forum board for falfiles.com.

This should at least get you going in the right direction.

The FAL is fun rifle to shoot. I love mine. It is an all Argitine M<sp?> Imbel rifle except for the few parts that have been changed to make it a nice sporting rifle and not an evil assault weapon :wacko:

Good Luck


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