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IPSC Memories

Chuck D

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My wife is cleaning the house in anticipation of having a garage sale. We both ran across a photo album of some of the IPSC and Bianchi Cup photos from my earlier days of match travels.

Photos of:

The "original" Team Springfield when The Burner, J. Michael Plaxco, Doug Koenig and TGO ventured to Central N.Y. for the Miller Invitational.

Photos of me attending TGO's 3 day training class in Mesa Arizona in 1988.

Photos of my first Bianchi Cup in 1991 when my shooting coach and best friend Murray Gardner "did the Cup" together.

Photos of my second Cup in 1992 when I won an award for third place master class with a 1906-132x

Photos of numerous Canadian National IPSC Championships from Ontario, Nova Scotia and British Columbia.

Photos of Murray and myself during a weekend training session that took place after I underwent emergency surgery that kept me off the range for 10 months.

Photos of my competing in the 1992 IPSC North American Championships.

My most cherished memories...my father and I at our first BIG match, the 1982 IPSC Canada Ontario Provincial Championships. We shared the same gun because dad couldn't afford two guns at the time. These are the things that bring a father and son together.

I won't bother to mention the numerous Sectionals and Area Championship photos over the past 17 plus years.

I sometimes take for granted how much shooting in general and IPSC in particular means to me.

It's good to remember...... ;)

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My Mom came out and said she had a bunch of old photos from when I was actively shooting. Apparently she contacted Springfield and got a bunch of photos they had on hand - plus they contacted Nyle.

I can't wait to see them all.

I too enjoy the fond memories. I'd also say that 92' match in Canada was a ton of fun. I didn't do too well - but it was a blast!


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