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james h

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our beloved Home Office is preparing a "consultation" document about whether or not to ban pump action and semi auto shotguns. also it is considering whether practical shooting is a legitimate sport. :angry:

how do we get the US to liberate us? i am quite willing to be fifth columnist ;)

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Sorry to say so, but the UK is racing towards tyranny so fast there is no turning back now. I see politics as a circle, with freedom at the top and slavery at the bottom. On the left of the circle is socialism and the right is fascism. You have to fight to stay on top of the circle, the natural tendency is to slide down to slavery, and it doesn't matter which side you slide down: through socialism or through facism, they both end up with you in chains. As you slide down from the top you pick up speed, once you pass the half-way mark it is all but impossible to climb up. you have to go through the circle straight to the top. And it ain't pretty getting through there.

You're sliding so fast now, the pace has picked up to the point where I don't see how you're going to regain any sense of freedom. Right now you are only allowed to do what the gov't or majority decides you can do, and they are changing their minds on a whim, with no thought as to how it affects the minority or the individual.

It's sad. But if you love freedom, we could use you here. We're starting to slide down the circle ourselves, and we need people who can dig their heels in.

- Gabe

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james, I'm still waiting for someone to liberate both coasts of the USA. B)

Under the U.S. Constitution, individual states retain much of the power to set gun laws, speed limits, ect. You could move over here and not be much better off if you ended up in the populated areas. (A state that has no income taxes is a good place to start looking for a home.)

To be totally honest, we have our problems. Fully half of our population is a bunch of spineless parasites who consume like a plague of locusts and constantly bitch about not having enough, but never produce anything themselves, unless you count their spineless parasitic progeny. They constantly bitch about "the way" we deal with terrorists, as if there were another "way" to deal with someone set on killing you??? The richest and most secure people in the history of the world, they loudly and constantly espouse everything they perceive to be wrong with this nation, but refuse to go elsewhere.

But you can still be free here. And, that's worth putting up with all the stupidity. :)

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Move to the Netherlands and enjoy the discussion overhere!

My g'ment and its representatives are not ticking correctly!!!

Soon ordinary civilians are gunless and the criminals will rule our country.

Wile :ph34r:

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