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Open Division

Ron Ankeny

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I just hate the fact that I suck with my dot gun. I am pouring my heart and soul into learning how to shoot Open and I still don't have the hang of it. Daily dry fire, at least 1000 rounds a month in practice, 2 or 3 matches a month, and I am going backwards.

I shot a club match two months ago and the classifier was 99-04. I thought I whooped up on the classifier big time and it came in at 80%. That 80% is about the best I have done in months.

OTOH, I literally took my CZ out of it's hiding spot in the truck, strapped it on, and shot the classifier at 100% without so much as a dry draw. WTF is up with that?

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What was the direct comparison between the Open and CZ run in terms of raw HF?

My suspicion is that some of the HFs in Open are unworldly and that might be effecting the appearance of relative success?

Sucking is also clearly relative. I've shot one Open classifier in the 80% range and will be ecstatic when it shows up on the USPSA site next month :lol:


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Take a real good observer, or video tape a short stage. Run both guns. Review the tape and timer results and figure out where you are loosing time. How about the points? Same point value per given stage, but slower through the stage with a dot?

I find myself fighting to watch the target, not the dot sometimes. That definatly slows me down on dot vs blade shooting.

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Ron -

When I first started shooting my revo last summer, and shot it excusively for a short while (6 weeks or so, couple of matches), and then went back to my Limited gun, my Limited shooting improved.

Perhaps you need to just put it down, and walk away from it for a bit. You're obviously mentally concerned with you lack of performance, and that isn't good. Once you've shed that, just come back to Open with a clear head.

But then again, this is the advice of a C Class Limited shooter. I don't know much.


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My suspicion is that some of the HFs in Open are unworldly and that might be effecting the appearance of relative success?

This is definately true. There are HHF's in Open that even Robbie combined with Brian couldn't get 95% on.

But.. 99-04 does have a 'normal' distribution-- as in most of the shooters shoot their class on it, minus the 10-15% that screwed up somehow.

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Ron --- I don't know what exactly you mean by "whooped up" on 99-04 with your Open gun, we just shot it at GCSS last week; shooting my Open blaster I dropped nine points in 12.60 and it felt pretty damn slow to me! Looks like it'll come in close to 100% so I guess it wasn't that bad!

Get your act cleaned up in time for Jackson, only a couple of months away! ;)

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What I mean is I did about as good as it gets for me right now and it wasn't that great. I have been shooting faster and about as accurately of late with iron sights. I guess I'll find out in a couple of weeks when I face a bunch of M and GM shooters in Colorado.

I'll see you in Jackson.

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What I mean is I did about as good as it gets for me right now and it wasn't that great

Hi Ron -

I think that you lived up (or down) to your own expectations. It sounds like you are really pushing to shoot well in open and you are trying to gear up for a big match. With the added pressure of a big match coming up combined with a poor performance or two, it sounds like you have let doubt about your abilities creep into your mind. When you picked up the CZ, you didn;t have any expectations, you just shot.

Shoot a match and don;t even bother looking at the scores. Have fun, that is what this is all about. Try shooting a match with a buddy's open gun. When i was playing competitively on the pool tour - I hit a major slump. I felt like my stroke just wasn;t there. The more I practiced, the harder it got for me to believe in myself. It was a snowball effect that got continually worse. The thing that snapped me out of it finally was the airline losing my cues. I got to the tournament and had to play with borrowed equipment. I was sure there was no chance at wining without my cues, so I went out to have fun, nothing more or less. I ended up finishing 2nd and had the best finish of the year for me. I think you might need to find something to take the pressure off......maybe you should put the open gun away until the week before the match...or take a week off practice so you will be rejuvinated withthe sport.

Hope this helps,


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I guess I'll find out in a couple of weeks when I face a bunch of M and GM shooters in Colorado.

Ron..you coming down for the state match..at the end of May??

be great to put a face with your name..

I'm shooting production this year instead of open..but let's catch up...

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I'll be in Pueblo for the state match. I'll shoot Production with you if my Open blaster isn't up and running soon. Sam and John Dunn will also be there. I'll e-mail as the time gets closer so we can meet up.

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Bob and I talked about where a person's head is in relation to equipment issues. I am one of those really anal shooters who has a tough time shooting with the purpose of getting A's as quickly as possible when I am also working through gear problems. It's a confidence thing...self doubt, equpiment trouble, anxiety, etc.

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