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How to access USPSA Forums


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Apparently, they are super-secret now...

Wanted to go read the USPSA Presidential ElectionResults, but the "Election Foums" here ---> http://www.uspsa.org/forums/index.php?showforum=78'>http://www.uspsa.org/forums/index.php?showforum=78 requires that you enter a security id and password JUST TO VIEW the forum index.

So, no problem, I'll just go to the forum home --->http://www.uspsa.org/forums/index.php Nope... Same thing... HAVE to have a "Forums" login just to SEE the front page of the forums SITE...

Is it just me, or does this seem counter-productive IF your intent for the forums is to communicate?

If no one can GET to the forums to REGISTER, you will never have a login to use... TO GET TO THE FORUMS!!!

So, since I can't get the the Forums, can someone please direct me to a link that has the results for the USPSA Presidential Election?

It certainly isn't on the "News" section at USPSA... No Press Releases" posted since February 23, 2011.

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I FINALLY saw it...

Are you kidding me? I can only speculate that the reason that security page was added is because no one at National HQ will cut loose the money to keep the forum software updated to the latest version... THUS, the poor admin of the forums must resort to kludges to keep the SPAMBOTS from over-running the forums...

Right? I'm guessing... IF this is correct, then for heaven's sake, let's take up acollection and get the software updated. I'm in for $10.00.

Anyway, I figured it out and got in... fat lot of good THAT did.. Doesn't look like anyone has been on there (even in the rules forum" since March.

Since March, 2011? Really...

Had to be an unrecoverable crash, right?

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I FINALLY saw it...

Are you kidding me?

Anyway, I figured it out and got in... fat lot of good THAT did.. Doesn't look like anyone has been on there (even in the rules forum" since March.

Since March, 2011? Really...

Had to be an unrecoverable crash, right?

I am with you Brother.cheers.gif Time for a changesurprise.gif

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OK... let me make this clear lest there be ANY misunderstanding AT ALL...

I am NOT faulting ANYONE in the whole process! I've run forums before, and I've run and helped run them as a volunteer.... And I can testify first hand that the job basically sucks... I am assuming that Rob still does the forum stuff on his own time/dime, and for that alone, the entire membership should grovel at his feet. :bow:

So, I reiterate, I am most certainly NOT whining or complaining... Well, maybe I was a little last night, but if it sounded like that, I whole-heartedly apologize. That was not my intent...

As I have been pre-occupied by other pursuits and obligations over the last couple of years, and my participation in USPSA has been at a level much reduced (much less than I'd like BTW), my search for the election results last night simply provided me with the opportunity to view a visit to USPSA.org and the Forums with a "fresher set of eyes".

What I did experience was a certain frustration level at not being able to find the information I needed about the organization and find it in a relatively painless time frame and manner.

I am probably not the guy to address this issue, but I AM willing to help. I am serious about the forums upgrade thing... I checked the version info between the USPSA forums and here at Be.com, and it would appear that there is a major PLUS several minor version backlog on the USPSA forums.

I checked the IP Board site, and it would appear that a cooperative effort might well be able to provide the funds to upgrade the forum license(s) there for a relatively reasonable figure.

I don't know if there would be an "upgrade" discount on the main license, but that would be a minimal difference.

I would suggest that the license might well be best upgraded to a business level main license, and that some money be set aside for at least 2yrs worth of maintenance/upgrade renewals (each 6 months).

I would also be in favor of an effort to determine which/if any add-on licenses would be of benefit to making the forums more conducive to folks both wanting to hang out over there AND volunteer to help run them. I suspect that Rob would perhaps be the most knowledgeable first opinion on the list of needs/wants.

Personally, I do not have the time to volunteer to help with the day to day running of the forums, but I do want to and will help to offset the cost of the upgrades.

Last night I offered to kick in the first $10.00...

Let me sweeten that pot... I will match the first $100.00 of donations toward the cause of upgrading the base software, setting up a 2yr maintenance/upgrade fund, and securing such add-on licenses as may be beneficial.

Anyone who wishes to donate toward my matching funds, or who would like to issue an additional matching "challenge", PM me here at BE.com OR send me an email at cautery at montac.com, and I will shoot you a response with my name/address where you may submit the funds.

I know a bunch of folks are at Nationals right now, so maybe this can't get started in earnest until they end, but I'm ready to go.

If the interest is great enough, I will post (with Brian's permission) a separate fund-raising thread to track challenges, challenge status, donations, and post a specification listing of what we're shooting for as soon as the details are known. I will provide a complete accounting of funds received, and forward the total amount to the appropriate person via a single certified funds instrument when sufficient funds are collected.

Anyone want to join me?

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Even though they're at the nationals, Dave and (I'm guessing Rob is there, too) Rob see their emails on a daily basis. (Especially Rob; I've never seen him when he didn't have a computer in the room with him!)

Yep... you know how us "computer geeks" are... ;)

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Even though they're at the nationals, Dave and (I'm guessing Rob is there, too) Rob see their emails on a daily basis. (Especially Rob; I've never seen him when he didn't have a computer in the room with him!)

Yep... you know how us "computer geeks" are... ;)

Would an iPhone attached to a gun bump it into Open? roflol.gif

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