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What are your thoughts on 3 Gun Nation?

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I feel in order for 3 Gun Nation to be successful, non 3 Gunners have to watch the show. To that extent, there needs to be "made for tv" stages at these events. Whether they are part of the match or just the shootoff is up to 3GN. My own daughter would rather watch Top Shot over 3GN right now (unless I'm on 3GN) because the targets are visible and she can see what the shooters are aiming at. Me personally, I am happy watching videos which solely show the shooter. Technique, speed, and smoothness is what I look for. But I am going to watch 3GN no matter what.

I like the idea of following a few shooters an episode. It allows the viewers to get to know the shooters.

Filming the shooters throughout the match brings us to the tv problem. Again, most of the stages at these events are not "made for tv" and the viewer might not grasp the overall difficulty and/or excitement we, as shooters, get to experience.

I would like to see the following:

Highlight a few shooters every episode with a short interview and some clips of some badass runs from that event.

Spend half the episode on the Shootoff. But the shootoff has to change. 3GN has control of how the shootoff is setup and can make it as tv friendly as they want. Better targets for one. Also, who doesn't like slow motion? It's the only reason I watched Van Damme movies when I was younger.


I think the Hawaiian Jedi hit the nail onthe head. People don't watch Top Shot because of the Tool Bags that can't shoot on the show. They watch it because they love cool guns, shooting, challenges, stuff that blows up when you shoot it and Kolby. We all know Chad is way cooler tha Kolby so we just gotta get some stuff that blows up.

Maybe the shoot offs need to use less of our style targets and more TV targets like Top Shot uses. We could also through more cool new prop guns in there. Although I don't recommend any that are on Rustin's list.

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I would make it available online a day or two after it airs. Just like top shot. :cheers:

I have not seen the new format, so I cant comment on that part.


Another +1 to this

I can only see it online. I don't know why they wouldn't want me to watch it and their commercials asap. They need to post the episodes a week behind the air date like Top Shot does.

I haven't seen any of this season's episodes, but I would like to see more of the actual match than they showed last year. I don't really watch TV, but I look forward to finally seeing the new season, whenever that may be.

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I've really like the team shootoff idea. It brings a fun new element to the end of the day. Another idea might be an 8 person random draw shootoff for the amateurs. Hold it prior to the big shootoff and the winners get prizes for good finishes. Overall Am winner gets a wildcard spot in the big money shootoff!



And this might not necessarily delay things, since the shoot-off usually takes 45 mins to an hour the random drawing shoot-off could take place while waiting for the scores to get posted/verified...

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Here is an idea that several of us came up with.

the shootoffs are getting to be 8 people from a list of about 10-15, and many of the aspects of the shootoffs are designed to favor one type of shooter or equipment knowledge.

There was talk earlier this year of implementing equipment from the other divisions, I have not seen this yet. Many of the spectators are there simply because we have to wait for the shootoffs to end before prizes are given, what would the spectator crowd look like if it was done after prizes??? my guess pretty slim!!

In an effort to get more people interested in the shootoffs, they should take 16 competitors, 8 random names from the match regardless of division, and then 8 division top of class shooters, my thought was 2 from the four major divisions regardless of the number of competitors in each division. People are division jumping anyway for points in the series, so it really shouldn't matter what division has the most shooters. Then let the shootoffs begin, if a random shooter bumps off a top of class shooter so be it.

Changing out the equipment for different divisions will add to the challenge, incorporate loading so a competitor can choose to make up a shot instead of simply take the miss. Change it up, because right now alot of us are simply there because we have to wait before we can leave to go home.

I know 3GN has bigger aspirations,.........break out the ideas.


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Here is an idea that several of us came up with.

the shootoffs are getting to be 8 people from a list of about 10-15, and many of the aspects of the shootoffs are designed to favor one type of shooter or equipment knowledge.

There was talk earlier this year of implementing equipment from the other divisions, I have not seen this yet. Many of the spectators are there simply because we have to wait for the shootoffs to end before prizes are given, what would the spectator crowd look like if it was done after prizes??? my guess pretty slim!!

In an effort to get more people interested in the shootoffs, they should take 16 competitors, 8 random names from the match regardless of division, and then 8 division top of class shooters, my thought was 2 from the four major divisions regardless of the number of competitors in each division. People are division jumping anyway for points in the series, so it really shouldn't matter what division has the most shooters. Then let the shootoffs begin, if a random shooter bumps off a top of class shooter so be it.

Changing out the equipment for different divisions will add to the challenge, incorporate loading so a competitor can choose to make up a shot instead of simply take the miss. Change it up, because right now alot of us are simply there because we have to wait before we can leave to go home.

I know 3GN has bigger aspirations,.........break out the ideas.


The above shows you to be much more than just a photographer of donkeys Trapr.

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Denise & I made this suggestion last winter after FB3G to Chad and Pete;

pistols - one with iron sights, one with a dot

Rifle - one with iron sights, one with a scope

Shotgun - one auto, one pump

At the shootoffs they put 4 cards in a hat, two with "A" on em, and two with "B" on them.

draw three cards, thats the guns you use in the shootoffs in order;

A, A, B = shootoffs done with iron pistol, iron rifle, pump shotgun.

you get the idea...It wouldn't be hard to get sponsor guns set up like that either...

I think they have implimented part of that, didn't they use dot equiped pistols at Ozark??? ETA; I guess I was thinking of something else...

I do like your ideas about 16 in the shootoffs Trapr! 8 top shooters, and 8 spoilers! :goof:



Edited by RiggerJJ
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I don't remember there being dots on the pistols at Ozarks.

I like Trapr's idea for getting more "average joe" shooters involved in the shootoff. I think alot of it depends on how the match is running. If the shooting were to get done at 11 or 12 as many matches advertise, and the shootoff was all set up and started promptly afterwards, like within a hour at the very most and then the prize table were to start promptly after the shootoff, like within a half hour. Then people would stay and watch. But when everything is still going at 5 or 6 then people just want to get on the road.

I am not a MD so I am not going to pretend to have the answers for getting done on time, but that is in my opinion the X factor here.

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The shoot offs are just a carnival show for the TV viewers anyway, why not throw something into them that will have more of a hook for those watching? Random draw for order of weapon choice, Top finishers randomly paired with shooters closest to the crease, extra physical challenges and such. The shoot off is about as closely related to the sport of three gun as the shoot out's held to decide a tie hockey game are related to the game of hockey. If they want people to watch then they should add some crazy entertaining twists into the mix. Possibly then the other contestants in the match would stay and watch the shoot offs with out being held hostage by the delayed prize table.

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I like the show a lot. I especially thought it was cool when my kids texted me at work and said I was on an episode [ironman II].

Any show about shooting is good for shooting / firearms ownership. Every discipline is it’s own piece of the same pie. I TiVo 8 different shooting shows –there are more but I have to show some restraint. I remember when there was just one – “The Shootin’ Show”. Our society is lead by the media so we need to be careful about knocking any of the shooting shows. If you don’t like a show, don’t watch it! More importantly keep your opinion to yourself because someone else probably does like it. Again, any shooting show is good for our sport.

Chad and the 3GN producers have a job to do and folks to answer to. While they may ask for our suggestions on how to how to put their show together I have to believe our opinion is of very little value in their production of the show.

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I like the show a lot. I especially thought it was cool when my kids texted me at work and said I was on an episode [ironman II].

Any show about shooting is good for shooting / firearms ownership. Every discipline is it’s own piece of the same pie. I TiVo 8 different shooting shows –there are more but I have to show some restraint. I remember when there was just one – “The Shootin’ Show”. Our society is lead by the media so we need to be careful about knocking any of the shooting shows. If you don’t like a show, don’t watch it! More importantly keep your opinion to yourself because someone else probably does like it. Again, any shooting show is good for our sport.

Chad and the 3GN producers have a job to do and folks to answer to. While they may ask for our suggestions on how to how to put their show together I have to believe our opinion is of very little value in their production of the show.

I am with you Earl, any TV program that shows the recreational use of firearms in a good light is a good thing!

And like you said the 3GN boys have others to answer to (and a LOT more on the line $$$ than ANY of us.)

I just want this show to be a success and will help in anyway the I can.

I know many here want it too and are trying to offer up ideas, but I bet most of next year is already set.


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While they may ask for our suggestions on how to how to put their show together I have to believe our opinion is of very little value in their production of the show.

I would have to respectfully disagree with you there. I know the show sponsors ultimately push the buttons with their $'s but why wouldn't the shows producers want the opinions of the people that watch the show? Or more importantly the people that don't watch the show?

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If they wanted the opinions of the unwashed BE forum masses they would have asked for it. This entire discussion is an internet chat forum keyboard masturbation session. There are a little over 30,000 BE members, and I would guess many of those are inactive, even if the entire group was of a single mind that small sample would not swing much weight. They need millions of people to pay attention, not a few thousand! They would have us shoot while mounted on running pigs if enough people where willing to watch, I am not sure that unified rulesets, optics on heavy metal rifles, or much (if any) of the trivial things we discus on a regular basis hold much interest to the producers of 3 gun nation nor should it. They have plenty on their plate trying to make a TV show that people want to watch, and convincing advertisers to pay their salaries. This may be our hobby, but it is their jobs, and good for them if they can get paid to do something as fun as film shooting matches, there are certainly worse ways to make a buck.

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If they wanted the opinions of the unwashed BE forum masses they would have asked for it. This entire discussion is an internet chat forum keyboard masturbation session. There are a little over 30,000 BE members, and I would guess many of those are inactive, even if the entire group was of a single mind that small sample would not swing much weight. They need millions of people to pay attention, not a few thousand! They would have us shoot while mounted on running pigs if enough people where willing to watch, I am not sure that unified rulesets, optics on heavy metal rifles, or much (if any) of the trivial things we discus on a regular basis hold much interest to the producers of 3 gun nation nor should it. They have plenty on their plate trying to make a TV show that people want to watch, and convincing advertisers to pay their salaries. This may be our hobby, but it is their jobs, and good for them if they can get paid to do something as fun as film shooting matches, there are certainly worse ways to make a buck.

F'n-A-tweety that is how it is and thats just fine.

Now let's go play!


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I would like to see two shoot offs. Obviously the top dogs in their own and the crease winners from each division or top 6 in their own. Give the crease winners prize money as well. Heck we have a ladies and junior thing now, why not one more for the average joe.

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Highlight a few shooters every episode with a short interview and some clips of some badass runs from that event.

I respectfully disagree. Though this might be good for the sponsors and bring in money to both the shooters and the show, the one main complaint Ive heard from non-shooters and non-3-gunners about the show is that there isnt enough shooting.

It might be interesting to us, but watching top shooters talk about how nice or good other top shooters are is not what people want to see (at least not the ones I've talked to) and the show is supposed to bring in new shooters, right?

People also need to (and want to) understand what theyre seeing, or should look for, (comments as shooters are shown navigating stages would be one thing that could be added) as things like flippers, shotgun no-shoots etc, steel in natural terrain might be really hard to see if you dont know what you're looking for. In some of the stages shown on tv it simply looks like the competitors burn half a mag into the bushes...

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The biggest change would be the time slot, but I'm sure the producers would do that if they could.

You are correct and correct.

I said pretty much the same thing verbatim to the producers and when they can have it their way, they will!

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I would make it available online a day or two after it airs. Just like top shot. :cheers:

Yep. My tv gets channels 2-13, so I sure can't watch it there. :roflol:

I did watch season one recently online. I enjoyed it.

I guess I'll watch season 2 next year?

I'd have no objections sitting through relevant commercials in order to watch it online a day or two after it was broadcast. (if anyone with influence is reading)

ETA: Only showing top shooters doesn't help bring new shooters in, it just scares many away. Some clips of the average duffer now and again would help with the "heck I can do that" appeal.

Edited by cas
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