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15y Bill Drills


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I know as soon as I start these threads someone will send me an older thread. I did a search honest...

Anyway. Hands relaxed, 15y, 6hits. Yes, try for all Alphas, but record what you get if they are not all "A's". Tell me any run that was down three or better.

Please include Class and Gear.

Also, what was your draw?

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  • 1 month later...

tried it last nite, best run was 5 As, 1 C In 2.19 seconds.. not bad considering the sleepy draw of 1.53. sometimes im hot, sometimes im not. last nite i was really slow reacting to the start signal.. i have seen draws down to .7 or slightly better.

First shot @ 1.53

second @ 1.67

third @ 1.81

fourth @ 1.94

fifth @ 2.06

sixth @ 2.19

Im C class production shooter, but that night i was testing out my limited 10 gun.

just a single stack 45, dawson front sight. kydex holster. i think we were drawing from surrender though...

I have yet to do one in under 2 seconds like your supposed to, and right now its hard to get all As under 2.5 I guess on this i need to shave a half a sec off my draw and i will be cookin then...

consistency is what makes good shooters the best, now if i could only figure out a way to shoot this good in matches....mental drills.

How did you do dirtypool?

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Ahhh, the 15 yd Bill Drill - the ultimate test.

Sometimes I'd shoot them for the entire practice session.

Under 2 seconds (clean) is pretty tough. I used to use the "attempt" at a clean, "cold" (first shots out of the gun of the day) 15 yd Bill Drill as a definitive test. I only ever did a clean, cold one once.


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Your splits are good, .12 to .14, draw and first shot need some work. However, remember that while it is bragging rights to shoot the BD in under 1.5 or the El Prez in under 4.0, you seldom see anyone with those gaudy numbers in a match. You can't win the match with a sub 4 El Prez, but if you screw it up trying to get there, you might loose the match there...just a thought.

Don't get so preoccupied with specific drills like those. It is almost like being the gunslinger in the Old West...no matter how fast you are there is always someone a little bit faster..

A bit of specialized dry fire practice will really help those kinds of drills though. Steve Anderson ragged on me and my El Prez numbers in the 6.2 range till I got busy for 30 minutes a day dryfire. Now standard times for both Limited and L10 with a singlestack are usually sub 5 sec in practice, personal best is 4.84 down 2. My best BD from 10 yds is clean in 1.91. Lots of people faster on both counts, but I won't loose much ground to anyone with either of those times...

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not bad for a C shooter... being young, (21) with perfect vision and fairly fast hands( i have seen .11 splits with my limited 10 gun, .11 with an open gun too) i should be on my way to being at least an A class shooter.

i figure im doing pretty good as i have only been shooting pistols for about year and a half, and have only been shooting competitions for the last 6 months, and even then its off and on..

i feel i still have alot more to go before i peak out... i see C class shooters all around me that have been doing it for years and cant get out of C, i guess im guilty of it too, i have been C for 3 months.

i find shooting steel plates as the best way to improve your gunsmanship,(thats what i tell the idpa guys when they call me a gamesman, no im a gunsman) hehehe.

cleaning a plate rack at 12 yards in around 3 seconds is a true test of ablility with a iron sighted gun.

im not getting carried away with any drills. just tryin to get better.

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i feel i still have alot more to go before i peak out... i see C class shooters all around me that have been doing it for years and cant get out of C, i guess im guilty of it too, i have been C for 3 months.

[Thread Drift]

C-class, the class you can get into without practicing, but can't get out of without practicing.

[/Thread Drift]

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  • 3 weeks later...

here recently i have been reading from the pages of brians book. nice book.

while reading everything i felt unsure about during shooting was becoming more and more clear.

i went to the gun range today, we set up the ever popular 15 yard bill drill. first run was 1.30 draw, 2.23 with one point down.

second run was the best 1.90 with a 1.16 draw and no points dowjn..thats the best i have ever done, and the best i have ever seen...odds are i cant do it again..as the rest of my times were around 2.25 or so down a point or two..

i can say that reading brians book(some of it, as i just got it) helped me out lots so far..i cant wait to finish it,...its great

i gotta go read DVC

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