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Limcat Phantera...


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I've been looking at a Limcat Phantera for sale. It's used with 1200 rounds thru it.

Seller would like $2000 for it, nothing less.

More info: Limcat 38 supercomp phantera. accurailed, blue SV painted grip, aftec extractor, black cmore, dawson magwell, hard chromed. comes with one Dawson tuned STI mag.

I can't fire or handle it because seller lives in another state.

Here's some pics:




What do you guys think, is it a good deal? Seems like a good deal to me. I'm still deciding. I'm not sure if I'm ready to enter the dark side ;) ie- get into Open guns. Still in limited now. Do you quickly get used to the harshness and loudness of the compensater's "flash, fireball"?

So $2000 for this used Phantera or spending $300-500 more for a NEW open gun from Shooters Connection or some other places? :D:)

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Limcats all should be great guns. Owner wants you to ass/u/me the gun has not been tinkered with. Or shot 85K rounds.

I'd drive all weekend to meet the gun & owner before parting with 2 grand. If that costs you more than $300, then there's your answer.

Know a great shooter here (GM) who got burned on a uspsa classified ad, open gun. He might chime in if he reads this...

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If that Phantera hasn't been tinkered with and it actually just shot 1200 rounds then it is just broken in. Some of the features Limcat guns are known for are great trigger jobs. My open guns have Limcat top ends on them and they are accurate and reliable. I watched a famous GM shoot a Limcat gun for accuracy at 25 yards and put 10 rounds into one inch group. The big BUT is, I would have to agree with the idea of not buying a 2K gun without handling/shooting it. All it takes is for some kitchen table GS trying to make the trigger even lighter and ruining the precision grounded, angle, polish of the sear and hooks. josh

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Know a great shooter here (GM) who got burned on a uspsa classified ad, open gun. He might chime in if he reads this...

caspian28r: Do you know how he got burned? What was actually wrong?

I was planning to generate a bill of sale with a clause with something to the effect- Gun is guaranteed to be in working condition consistent with a gun which has approx. 1200 rounds fired through it.... I'm really not sure what to put in the clause. Seller would have to agree to this clause before I bought it. And I'm not expecting a new gun. Of course, I could still get still burned somehow even with a clause. :(

I spoke to seller on the phone. He sounded very genuine and was pleasant to speak with, FWIW. :)

Thanks for the replies. It's definitetly making me think twice. In addition, I hear Open guns can be extremely tempermental beasts. :wacko: I've never owned one, so wouldn't know.

Warpspeed: good idea with local gunsmith. Will look into it.

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Open guns ARE extremely tempermental beasts! Personally, I would not buy a used gun unless it came as a trade-in gun to a gunsmith. When you're dropping over 2 grand on a gun, 3-$500 more to know that it will run is really nothing. Fighting a non-working gun in a match is no fun....

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Toby is a good guy. However, if you're nervous (understandably) have him send it to Johnny Lim for an inspection (you pay shipping there and back). Let the guy that built it give both of you a no B.S. assesment.


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Rich's idea is a great one. Also whenever I've sold guns on the internet I always offer a 7 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee. I don't BS about the condition of the guns I've sold so I don't have a problem with someone shooting it for a day or two to see for themselves. Obviously I expect it back in the condition I sent it, but I've never gotten one back. Not that I've sold a lot, just a couple, but still ......I'd ask for that.

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I've always done a 3 or 5-day inspection / return period for pistols bought sight-unseen-- with something about shooting up to x-hundred rounds of ammo through it, but otherwise must be returned in as-received condition. I've never had to use it either as buyer or seller.

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