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Dateline: Aujourd'hui. 2:00 pm EST.

Well....it turns out, that during the last trip to the range, my Mom lost the slide stop out of the Mustang .380 that I had loaned her. Not a huge deal. Hopefully Colt will have one in stock.................that is..............if the sonsofbitches would even answer the telephone!!! It LITERALLY took 45 minutes of calling during normal business hours to get through.

It was call, no answer, call again, no answer, call another number for Colt, no answer, no answer, no operator, no nothing. No voice mail to be found. No signs of life whatsoever....

Finally, by some act of God, the janitor must have heard the phone and answered.

"You're still in business?!"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Got a slide stop for a Mustang?"

"Nope. We sold them all to some schmucks in Pennsylvania."

So, I called the gunstore in PA that Colt sold ALL of their inventory to.

"Yeah, we got some slide stops. We ordered blued. The packing list said blued. They sent us stainless ones, of course."

"I'll take two."

"But they're stainless, and your gun is blued...."

"I don't give a shit if they're yellow with purple stripes, it sounds like I'll never have another chance to buy one again."

Which is how it took me an hour and a half to buy a f-ing slide stop. May Colt burn in Hell.

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Colt may be out of business. :(

The employees of UAW Local 376 are on strike.

I've heard this from reputable sources, but can only findTHIS so far.

Lockout at Connecticut gun manufacturer’s plant

"Colt’s Manufacturing locked out 350 workers at its West Hartford, Connecticut, plant April 1 after workers unanimously rejected the company’s final contract offer. The old agreement between Colt and United Autoworkers Local 376 expired the previous night.

Carlton Chen, vice president and general council for Colt, defended the lockout, declaring, “The demands that they are making are impossible to meet.” Local 376 has not commented on the lockout"

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Colt may be out of business. :(

The employees of UAW Local 376 are on strike.

I've heard this from reputable sources, but can only findTHIS so far.

Lockout at Connecticut gun manufacturer’s plant

"Colt’s Manufacturing locked out 350 workers at its West Hartford, Connecticut, plant April 1 after workers unanimously rejected the company’s final contract offer. The old agreement between Colt and United Autoworkers Local 376 expired the previous night.

Carlton Chen, vice president and general council for Colt, defended the lockout, declaring, “The demands that they are making are impossible to meet.” Local 376 has not commented on the lockout"

Damn. I am just totally out of touch.

I cannot understand for the life of me, why Colt and Smith don't pack up and head west and set up in ID or MT or anyhwhere with right to work laws. Their labor and overhead would drop in half and the quality would skyrocket.

I guess I'd better buy every part for that gun I think I'll ever need now.


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Actually, that's not true. I say that having talked to the buyer at a local gun shop. Turns out that, despite the much ballyhooed "Colt no longer sells to civilians" thing, every distributor, ever since, has always had new production Colts in stock. And I'm not talking stuff that's been sitting there for years, I'm talking fresh from the factory, ready to be sold on the open market firearms.

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Which begs the question, why on God's Green Earth would *anyone* buy a gun from a company which:

a) Does not answer their telephone

b ) Does not stock parts for the guns they manufacture

c) Lies about their business practices ("We don't sell to civillians, except when we sell to civillians.")

d) Quality is Job # 3,794

I don't know of ANYBODY (much less anyone whose opinion I really respect) who's bought a new Colt lately.

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I didn't say they sold only to non-LE/Military; I said they cater to them. I should have said they concentrate their sales and marketing efforts on that market, neglecting the sporting market. However, I think distribution suffered to non-LE/M sales.

I think it's pretty evident that they show somes disdain for potential customers outside LE/M. To wit, their sear block, their goofy pin sizes, etc.

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I have only owned one Colt ever and don't have it any more. I was really wanting to buy a Colt AR in the future but just can't bring myself to give them my money when I hear things like this. Is the "Pony" really worth the extra cash? I would hate to see them fall by the way side. Can't someone buy Colt and return them back into a respectable company again? TXAG

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I don't know ANYONE who can AFFORD a new Colt. :o

Before I spend the long dollar on a Colt, I'd by a Springfield Armory piece. Their twice the gun for the money. ;)

It's sad. I remember the day when a Series 70 Government model was THE gun to own for IPSC shooting.

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In Great Falls, Montana the Scheels Sporting Goods store has dropped all Colts from their sales line because of so many complaints about quality. Kimber is giving them a better selection of options.

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In Great Falls, Montana the Scheels Sporting Goods store

Wow, I bought a 4” S&W Model 57 (41 Mag) from Scheels about 15 years ago, I think I paid $250.

Back on track; I spent a couple of months of intense research into WHICH 3” 1911 to buy and I bought a Colt. It’s been everything I hoped it would be.


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