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Ruger PC-4


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I just picked up a PC-4 Ruger carbine for no other reason than it appealed to me.

It takes the Ruger pistol mags and I was wondering if anyone uses it for the 3 gun bowling pin matches. It is a great shooter with any of my .40 loads I have for my Para P16 and my SA P9, including 170 gr SWC's which suprised me. It will obviously need a faster powder than the WST I use for the pistols.Any one have any idea about loads,etc for this cute little nipper? Seniorlefty

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It will work well on pins, mine does.

My load for my PC4 : ( it shoots hard, and is not for unsupported chambers )

165 gr. Rem. GS

9.2 gr. Hodgdon Longshot ( max load , work up )

Win. SR primer

Win. case

Avg. vel. 1450 FPS

Rips the pins down like a hotrod 45.

Primers look a little funny though, the firing pin is yanked free of the primer in mid pressure peak, this results in a protrusion.

Travis F.

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