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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

How to impress


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Not sure, but this made me laugh today.



* Wine her,

* Dine her,

* Call her,

* Hug her,

* Support her,

* Hold her,

* Surprise her,

* Compliment her,

* Smile at her,

* Listen to her,

* Laugh with her,

* Cry with her,

* Romance her,

* Encourage her,

* Believe in her,

* Pray with her,

* Pray for her,

* Cuddle with her,

* Shop with her,

* Give her jewelry,

* Buy her flowers,

* Hold her hand,

* Write love letters to her,

* Go to the end of the Earth and back again for her.



* Show up naked ...

* Bring food ...

* Don't block the TV


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That cracks me up! Maybe it's cause we are so different in some ways but desire the same things out of life. I believe that somewhere out there is one person that is for you. Ya know that one person that just gets it. No matter who you are or what you do she's the one :wub:

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Wel Duane

After that comment, I hope you have a steady squeeze, cause if you don't and the women in your area read that comment, it may be a while B4 you have a date...

everyone wants to think they are THE ONE...

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