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Date of Thai Level III at end of 2004

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As in previous years, we are planning to have a Level III match in Thailand towards the end of the year, for all handgun divisions.

Usually we hold the match over the King's birthday weekend in early December but this year we selected the 5th to 7th of November to avoid a clash with the Australasian Championships (Level IV) in Bali which starts on the 28th of November and runs through to the 4th of December.

Recently we have been discussing moving our match to the weekend immediately before the Bali match. Our level III would then be held from the 19th through 21st of November.

This would allow competitors from around the world to come to Thailand, compete in our match, relax for a couple of days and fly on to Bali to compete in the Level IV. Our match could provide some good, last-minute big-match practice and help some people climatise for competiing in tropical conditions. We'd have to solve the ammo problem by arranging for competitors to pre-ship it or by helping them buy locally-manufactured ammo.

Before we make our final date choice, we thought we would try to get some feedback from potential competitors.

Let me know, by responding to this post, whether you would be more likely to attend the Thai IPSC Open Championship 2004 if it was held:

a. a few weeks before the Level IV in Bali

b. the weekend before the Level IV in Bali

c. sometime in Janury 2005



THPSA, Bangkok, Thailand

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  • 3 weeks later...


Rumor has it the match will be scheduled the week before. That is

excellent news for many of us!

For those of you with frequent flyer miles they will work a three leg

trip. Home to Bangkok, on to Bali for the IPSC Level IV and then return.

Cash them in and go.

As far as ammo -- I too am waiting for the solution. More to follow.


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  • 3 months later...

I know a few of you have expressed interest in attending one of the Thai matches and it is time to make a commitment!

They changed the dates – Nov. 19 -21 - to allow you to use the match as a warm up for Bali, although they put on a great match as a destination event. The range has undergone extensive reconstruction. The courses are well done and hospitality can not be beat.

Quality .38 Super/major ammunition can be purchased locally for the match and you can also get used to the time changes and local culture.


Mr. Peter Walker


There is time -- Thailand is beautiful, safe and inexpensive -- so GO!

Hope to see you there,


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