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The gun was floating tonight.

That was not the accomplishment, as I know I can't make it happen again.

The accomplishment was allowing it to occur.


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1988...Mesa Arizona...first trip away from Upstate NY....attending a shooting class at Rio Salado (sp) sportsmens club...teacher, none other than TGO.

When discussing the relationship between the hands and the gun during the firing process he says, " You should get the sensation that your hands are "steering" the gun in the direction you want it to go. If you were to release your grip on the gun...it would float away like a helium filled balloon."

Your getting somewhere. ;)

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"Driving" sounds more forced than "floating".

"Floating" to me sounds like a more "natural", "easy" way of handling the gun.

Don't know how to better describe what I am trying to say, am I making sense ?

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I discovered the "float" sensation LOOOOONNNGGG ago... But... can't make it happen consistently, even today. It seems to be a matter of balanced grip pressure--the relationship one hand has to the other... all the while isolating that trigger finger. When I do it all correctly, I can't even feel the recoil--because there isn't much. B) It's an odd sensation--but one of the best there is.

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Power steering is a little imprecise, and isolated. I prefer unassisted.

Just did a quick review of the Book, and (re)discovered that BE talks of driving the gun, like driving a car. I have always thought of driving the gun, like driving a nail.

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I discovered the "float" sensation LOOOOONNNGGG ago... But... can't make it happen consistently, even today.

Same here. That's an elusive 'lil devil. It's seems to manifest much more often when I abandon all hope of shooting "well" and just drive the friggin gun. It's like that bumper sticker aimed at cell phone users, "SHUT UP AND DRIVE." :lol: (note to brain: SUAD)

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